Jorgen Grahn said:
What's wrong with gprof?
I am not convinced that a GUI would make interpreting the profiling data
easier. It would show graphs I guess, but I think they would become
hard to read pretty soon, with increasing program size.
another possibility would be to be able to more conviniently jump around
inside the profiler output.
see the list of functions at the top, select maybe the top-ranking function,
and have a view which jumps to the function in question (so, the callers and
callees can be examined without lots of scrolling, typically in vi), ...
of course, another possibility would be if gprof supported HTML output,
which could accomplish essentially the same thing... (apparently there are
tools to convert grpof output to HTML, but IMO it would only really be
particularly useful if it supported it directly, that or maybe the tool
works like a "gprof wrapper" or such...).