not sure what to do which that code at the bottom of page 37. I enter
this code into the command prompt and obviously that isn't right. I
created the folder that I was told to before but I can't remember it
though I did skim a bit to find it. Not clear also on all that syntax
that was used there. I have tried to get a good definition of puts for
a month and have not been able
to. If that is a method why is there another method (say_goodnight
(name)) on the same line?
this code into the command prompt and obviously that isn't right. I
created the folder that I was told to before but I can't remember it
though I did skim a bit to find it. Not clear also on all that syntax
that was used there. I have tried to get a good definition of puts for
a month and have not been able
to. If that is a method why is there another method (say_goodnight
(name)) on the same line?