nikhil said:
Alright I down loaded Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition from my
MSDN account. anything else that I need.
Any suggestions for Books or any links that I can use to start with.
Last time I tried starting with Programming Windows, Fifth Edition by
Charles Petzold but was not able to continue long (Just 2 days
I would buy an old version of Visual C++. VC7.1 is pretty good, but even a
very old version I have Microsoft QuickC and MSVC6 and MSVC1.0, which I got
very cheap. Don't bother to use the compilers, but you get a nice boxed set
of manuals all about the SDK, detail description of all the main API calls,
which hasnt changed that much at its heart. If you buy the latest version it
will cost a lot though
Petzold is actually a pretty good book. It is C not C++, but then ultimately
so is the SDK, so if you dont like the book, you probably won't enjoy
windows programming, at least in C any way.
You could also try making a C++/ CLR project also (look in VS2005 IDE),
though many people here are snotty about it, but it has a very good library
for all sorts of things which is simply lacking in standard C++, and you get
garbage collection and so on, which makes life easy too. Also you can
transfer the skills to other languages. Visual Basic, C# and F#, all of
which are easier than C++ and marketable skills. The .Net windows libs is
quite easy to use compared with MFC.
Now I'll stand back and wait for the rotten tomatoes to be hurled
Andy Little