Prompt User for Filepath Problem


Paul Hobbs

Hi All,

I am trying to replicate the functionality of the HTML FileField control. I
can use it just fine to prompt a user to browse to the path of a file, and
it retrieves the full path just fine. I can then get the string in using
control.value, and write it to the database. I don't want to actually do
anything with the file. What I can't do is programmatically set the value
of the FileField control - all the reading I have done says that it is
impossible for security reasons.

So, I want to use a standard Web TextBox control and Web Button control, and
replicate the functionality of the FileField HTML control. When the user
clicks a "Browse" button, s/he should be presented with a the standard
Windows OpenFile dialogue box, and when the user selects the file, the full
path (including file name) should be plonked into the TextBox. This way, I
can programmatically set the text property of the TextBox when the user is
editing an existing record - ie: if there is already a path in the db.

Any help greatly appreciated.


Paul Hobbs

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