chris said:
I need to convert a python file to an '.exe'. I've tried py2exe, and I
don't like it because you have to include that huge dll and libraries.
Thanks for the Help!!
Do you want to create an exe to give to others, or so that you can use
it in windows easier just like any other exe?
If the later you may be able to tell py2exe to exclude dll's that are in
your search path.
If you want something you can send to other windows users, then it's far
easier to include the dll's and extra files than it is to try and make
sure all the files the programs needs are installed correctly on the
recipients computer.
I use:
py2exe - to create the main exe and gather all the needed files together.
Inno Setup - to create a windows installer complete with license, docs,
Internet support links, and an uninstaller.
And a few other programs such as an icon editor to create icons, and
Resource Hacker to change the tk window icons to my own. Py2exe will
insert the exe icon, but not change the little tk window icons which
reside in the tk dll files.
When it's all done you have an installable application from a single exe
file that's very professional. Most users won't need to know or care
what language you developed your application with as long as it works.
Hope that helps,