I'm trying to move a function into pyrex for speed.
You probably didn't expect the Inquisition; nobody does. But here it is,
nice red uniforms and all:
1. What is your speed requirement and how far short of that are you at
the moment?
2. Are you sure there is no Python or third-party module that does what
you want?
3. Is your algorithm the best possible?
4. Is your Python implementation of that algorithm the best possible?
Have you exposed it to the critical gaze of the speed-freaks in this
5. Does your architecture support psyco? If so, have you tried that and
what were the results?
The python side
needs to pass a list to the pyrex function. Do I need to convert to
array or something so pyrex can generate tight code? I'm not clear how
to do this.
The question might be better asked on the Pyrex mailing list.
You don't need to convert a list to a C array, and it may not even be
possible, depending on what type(s) of data you have in the list.
Almost any Python code is also valid Pyrex code. For a start, just
compile your function with Pyrex and compare the speed. What you do next
is going to depend very much on what operations you are performing on
the list and the objects it contains. Watch out for Python built-ins
like range, xrange, ord, chr, abs, bool, int(a_number), float(a_number),
divmod, max/min (two_numeric_args). In almost all cases you get cheap
wins by replacing use of these by simple C-like code -- provided of
course you are absolutely sure you know what types you are dealing with.