Duncan said:
The simplest singleton implementation, which works for any version of
Python is simply to use a module as your singleton instead of a class. You
can get hold of the singleton object from anywhere simply by importing it.
All functions defined in a module are effectively static methods on the
module object.
Amen, Hallelujah. This will be optimal any time you don't need some of the
capabilities that classes have over modules -- basically, inheritance and
special methods. When you DO need to expose a class, I still suggest the
Borg nonpattern,
http://www.aleax.it/5ep.html -- even though Guido hates
it with a vengeance, I'm still convinced it's superior to Singleton.
If you _do_ perversely want the Singleton DP no matter what, you don't
need static methods -- you can use a toplevel function just as well.
If you _do_ perversely want static methods in 2.1 no matter what,
class staticmethod:
def __init__(self, thefunc): self.f = thefunc
def __call__(self, *a, **k): return self.f(*a, **k)
and just use this staticmethod instead of 2.2's builtin one.