... there is a fourth reason.
The linux distro you are using currently was customized with python 2.x
I ran into this problem this week in fact... on my HP g6 ubuntu notebook
running 10.04 lucid. It ships with the 2.6.5 interpreter. I installed 2.7..1
and 3.2 (from sources) and was working along happy as a clam until I needed
to configure a printer... and the config tools would not function... someof
them would not even open. Want to guess? Yup, the config tools are (some
of them) written in python 2.6-- and they don't run in 2.7.1 nor 3.2 .
So, be careful. I have had to separate *all* of my python installs on
*every* one of my systems for this similar reason. The bottom line is if the
distro ships with 2.6 (minus the idle) chances are that the interpreter is
there *not* to advocate for python explicitly, but because the interpreter
is being used by the system somewhere. If you install 2.7 or 3.2 you needto
be careful to *not* interfere with the default setup.
So, you will need to be able to use both. There is no getting around it...
but, I would start with 3.2 (seriously). Get 3.2 under your belt and then
when you need to, go back and deal with the 2.6 regression.
3.2 is better built, is more logically consistent (it really is, no
kidding), and has some new features that make it very attractive. The
down-side is that some (most) of the library support is still not there for
many projects. It will take some time, but it will happen.