Efrat Regev
On FC4, I've generated an .so file from C++ which I want to use from
python. It works when I copy it into /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages.
(I.e., say I have hello.so in that directory, then from the python
prompt I can 'import hello', and the code works fine). The problem is
that the said directory requires su - so I'd rather python load my .so
from a different user-privilege directory (when I type 'import hello').
Is there some way to tell python to use a different directory?
Many thanks for considering this question. Also, it's possible that
this question belongs in a different forum, and if so, I'd appreciate if
you'd tell me where.
On FC4, I've generated an .so file from C++ which I want to use from
python. It works when I copy it into /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages.
(I.e., say I have hello.so in that directory, then from the python
prompt I can 'import hello', and the code works fine). The problem is
that the said directory requires su - so I'd rather python load my .so
from a different user-privilege directory (when I type 'import hello').
Is there some way to tell python to use a different directory?
Many thanks for considering this question. Also, it's possible that
this question belongs in a different forum, and if so, I'd appreciate if
you'd tell me where.