I've been searching for a something in Python for me to be able to get
the total outbound or inbound bandwidth (in Windows (or cross-OS
compatible). Can anyone help me out? Thanks!
Presuming you mean "bandwidth usage" (bandwidth, itself, is fixed)
[for example, in theory a 100base-T connection has a 100Mbps
bandwidth... you may only be using 6% of that if you have a heavy load
on a high-end DSL connection]
Given that assumption, my normal response to a query like this is:
How would you get this value without using Python? Is there some way
to access that solution from within Python?
IOW, you are probably looking at some deep internals of the network
stack, and that is most likely not portable. Ignore Python -- and first
find out how that information is made available by the OS; then ask how
Python can access that information -- once you've determined where/how
the OS gives it.
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber KD6MOG
(e-mail address removed) (e-mail address removed)
(Bestiaria Support Staff: (e-mail address removed))