Hi everyone, sorry, this post is a bit off topic. I posted this on a
devel xul thread on the mozilla groups but didn't get a response. My
hope is that some of you may have interest in this and have tried it
I've been trying to get xulrunner compiled with python (in windows) but
have been unsuccessful. I've been following this:
I know it's a linux based tutorial, but the steps are generally the
same aside from required os linkers/compilers - which i've obtained
reading the standard mozilla compile instructions for windows.
Has anyone else tried this and had luck with it?
devel xul thread on the mozilla groups but didn't get a response. My
hope is that some of you may have interest in this and have tried it
I've been trying to get xulrunner compiled with python (in windows) but
have been unsuccessful. I've been following this:
I know it's a linux based tutorial, but the steps are generally the
same aside from required os linkers/compilers - which i've obtained
reading the standard mozilla compile instructions for windows.
Has anyone else tried this and had luck with it?