is anyone using this combo of tools? do you have a website i can visit or
gui with screen shots or fairly easy to install so i can get inspired?
now that firebird has its first manual and python has manuals published i
can read and get up to speed.
i am not crazy about a c++ style reference manual but i now have cable
internet and a couple of c++ books so if i work hard i believe i can get
the hang of it. i know that wxwidgets and wxpython work extremely hard on
the documentation and it is very thorough and that is one of the big
reasons i chose to go this route.
i cant wait to get started writing code and reading manuals.
is anyone using this combo of tools? do you have a website i can visit or
gui with screen shots or fairly easy to install so i can get inspired?
now that firebird has its first manual and python has manuals published i
can read and get up to speed.
i am not crazy about a c++ style reference manual but i now have cable
internet and a couple of c++ books so if i work hard i believe i can get
the hang of it. i know that wxwidgets and wxpython work extremely hard on
the documentation and it is very thorough and that is one of the big
reasons i chose to go this route.
i cant wait to get started writing code and reading manuals.