[ python-l ] scrolling a frame




I am developing a software in Python using Tkinter. The choice of my team is not to use pyton MegaWidgets.
I would like to scroll a frame.

This is a peace of my code :
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#!/bin/env python
from Tkinter import *

root = Tk()
global_frame = Frame(root, relief = GROOVE, borderwidth=4)
canvas = Canvas(global_frame)

# scrollbars:
vscroll = Scrollbar(global_frame, command=canvas.yview)
hscroll = Scrollbar(global_frame, command=canvas.xview, orient=HORIZONTAL)

# The frame i want to scroll :
frame = Frame(canvas, relief = GROOVE, borderwidth=2)
cw = canvas.create_window(0,0, window = frame)

global_frame.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky=NS)

#put the widgets in global_frame
canvas.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
vscroll.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky=NS)
hscroll.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky=EW)

# fill the frame :
for item in range(30):
Label(frame, text = 'item %d'%item).grid(row = item,
column = 0)
Entry(frame, text = 'default text %d'%item).grid(row = item,
column = 1, sticky=EW)

# configure the scollbars to scroll the canvas :
hauteur = frame.winfo_height()
largeur = frame.winfo_width()
canvas.configure(yscrollcommand = vscroll.set, xscrollcommand = hscroll.set,
scrollregion = (0,0, largeur, hauteur)) #canvas.coords(cw))

# My problem is that i would like the scrollregion to scroll only the space taken by
# the frame but my program does not do it well...


I thank you in advance.


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David Boddie

Toph said:

I am developing a software in Python using Tkinter. The choice of
my team is not to use pyton MegaWidgets.
I would like to scroll a frame.

First of all, I recommend that you look at the following example. I found it
to be very useful when addressing a similar problem:


Cutting and editing from now on...
This is a peace of my code :

canvas = Canvas(global frame)

Is that valid syntax? I'm not able to successfully use the "global" keyword in
similar circumstances.
# My problem
is that i would like the scrollregion to scroll only the space taken by

# the frame but my program does not do it well...

Sorry not to address your exact problem. I haven't used Tkinter seriously
for quite a while. Still, I hope that the above reference is of some use.


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