if you dont know how to help people here... dont say "google it".
I never said "google it". I presume you mean this post as a reply to all
other posters in this thread, right? And you can bet your tiny _)_ that
Steve Holden does know how to help people here, something that can be proven
if you google for previous posts of him.
groups.google was made to help! not to say google it!
groups.google was made to *archive* newsgroups. By using groups.google, you
just participate in the larger community of Usenet. Google that strange
term "usenet". It's kind of public email. You send to a "newsgroup", then
everybody in the world can see your message, and anybody can reply, and so
You'll see in one of the top hits (for "usenet") that Google sometime
acquired the Usenet Archive of Deja (Deja.com, DejaNews.com etc), which are
archives of newsgroups since before Google existed. There is no company
"google.groups" full of professionals getting paid to answer your questions.
Think of groups.google as an agency that allows you to travel in the
dangerous world of Usenet.
i really dont not what kind of professional you are to say "google it!"
Assuming you reply to Steve Holden; you have false logic. Like I said,
nobody ever gets paid for replying to newsgroup posts, so professionalism
does not get involved in any sense. Or have you sent any money to the PSF
[Python Software Foundation] asking for support? If that is the case, I
fully apologize, and please don't read the rest of my post!
I used to be before I grew up.
i think your mom has much pride of you!
Especially since she will shortly be a grand mother.
google it to learn more than say "google it!"
Your writing style hints you are 14-15 yrs old, but you can also be some
non-native English speaker (as I am), even an IT professional (the topic of
LDAP does not concern the average adolescent

; in either case, perhaps you
might be able and not entirely bored to read more than a few pages:
Let this be your guide in your travels in Usenet. Show you did your
"homework" before asking others.
You see, imagine yourself after about 15-20 years of using computers and
discussing them with others (in private or on the internet), and new people
keep coming all the time asking the same questions that have been discussed,
answered and beaten to death dozens of times before. Steve's using
computers for longer than that, and he bothered at least to tell you the
obvious step you didn't take: to google your question so you find the
previous related discussions.
You should thank him for offering his time, because his reply was helpful
even if you don't understand it; he directed you to the whereabouts of the
answer to your question. Ask groups.google about
group:comp.lang.python ldap
and work your way from there. When you come back here after you've grokked
the "Smart Questions" document, I (and Steve I am sure, and lots of others
who didn't bother to reply as Steve did) will be more than glad to help you
further your knowledge of Python.
Cheers, btaranto.