Python on Windows


Simon Faulkner

I've just written my first (simple) WxPython program - yaaaay!

What would folks suggest is the easiest way to package it to run on
other windows PCs?

I would love a single .exe file that would run without ANY OTHER FILES
even if it was 50 Mb!



bruno at modulix

Simon said:
I've just written my first (simple) WxPython program - yaaaay!

What would folks suggest is the easiest way to package it to run on
other windows PCs?

I can't tell for sure since I do not use Windows, but I think Py2Exe is
what you're looking for.

Xavier Morel

Simon said:
I've just written my first (simple) WxPython program - yaaaay!

What would folks suggest is the easiest way to package it to run on
other windows PCs?

I would love a single .exe file that would run without ANY OTHER FILES
even if it was 50 Mb!





I would love a single .exe file that would run without ANY OTHER FILES
even if it was 50 Mb!

You should look at pyinstaller
(, as far as I know
the only py->exe compiler that makes single file executables for
windows. You may even bundle additional files as well, such as images.

Note: The 1.0 release makes exe's that depend on msvcrt71.dll (which
does not exist under win2000 and win9x). To make a universal windows
executable, you must check out the latest version from svn, or download
my temporary zip-file at . You may
also try my sample slide-show executable (use the
arrow-buttons to navigate. It was made from the python file with the compilation


Larry Bates

Simon said:
I've just written my first (simple) WxPython program - yaaaay!

What would folks suggest is the easiest way to package it to run on
other windows PCs?

I would love a single .exe file that would run without ANY OTHER FILES
even if it was 50 Mb!



Use py2exe to create distribution and then use Inno Installer to
create a single setup.exe file that can easily be distributed.

-Larry Bates

Larry Bates

Simon said:
I've just written my first (simple) WxPython program - yaaaay!

What would folks suggest is the easiest way to package it to run on
other windows PCs?

I would love a single .exe file that would run without ANY OTHER FILES
even if it was 50 Mb!



Use py2exe to create distribution and then use Inno Installer to
create a single setup.exe file that can easily be distributed.

-Larry Bates

Grant Edwards

Like the man said, my vote is for py2exe + inno-setup

Do you _really_ want a single exe? I haven't seen a single exe
windows program in many years (except for putty, which is many
years old).
Use py2exe to create distribution and then use Inno Installer to
create a single setup.exe file that can easily be distributed.

Definitely. Nobody does single .exe file windows programs
anymore. A single-file installer is almost as easy.

Xavier Morel

Grant said:
Definitely. Nobody does single .exe file windows programs
anymore. A single-file installer is almost as easy.
uTorrent, Process Explorer or Media Player Classic are single .exe
windows programs.

Granted, most of them are under-150kb-works-of-arts, but MPC isn't (well
it's a work of art, but it's well over 5Mb now), but even then, some
people STILL do single .exe windows programs, and some of these are the
best programs in their fields (utorrent certainly is one of the best
Torrent programs on windows, and it clearly has the very best
features/exe size and features/ram consumption ratios, and I haven't
seen anything that could even remotely close on to Process Explorer,
RegMon or FileMon)

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