Huron said:
What do you guys recommend in terms of python project layout, especially
unit tests layout ?
Zope has unit tests per packages, twisted has a big tests directory full of
tests ... and the file naming convention are also pretty differents ...
I guess there is part of "personnal choices" in those matters ... but there
is also good practice advices that can be gathered I think ...
(This is the result of a few years of evolution of our source tree
conventions.) We place all tests in subfolders (named "tests") of the
folders containing the files under test. Unit tests are named for the
unit (module) they are testing, so would have a unit test file
at tests/
"Acceptance" tests (higher level usually black-box functional tests) are
in the "tests" folder of the top level source folder, along with any
unit tests that reside there, and take their name from the number of the
requirement that defined them. Since we're an XP team, we call these
requirements "stories", so the files are named exciting things like
"" and "". The specific numbers match up with
either index cards with descriptions of the requirements, or an online
"issue tracker", depending on the project.
We have a little (quite simple) internal utility that lets us easily run
all unit tests under the current folder, or all acceptance tests in the
project, with one command. (Specifically, "uix" and "stix" for unit and
story tests, respectively.) This "test runner" utility scans subfolders
(doing an os.walk basically) and executes each test script in a new
process, to avoid most potential undesirable interactions between tests.
The benefits are straightforward. Tests are easy to find for any file,
but don't "clutter up" the same folder as the files under test. The
naming conventions makes it easy to automate things like the test runner
or other utilities. Running tests (always from a console) takes only a
few seconds so we can do it often. Multiple projects are easily
supported in other directory trees.