David Stockwell
I'm getting an error 'oops an error pop from an empty list'
However I am printing the contents of the list right before i am attempting
the pop and there are items in the list.
The weird thing is the list looks different than i expect it to be.
code snippet:
--- begin snippet --
ourFile = open(fileNamesList[0],'r')
strData = ourFile.read()
records = []
# do we need to use \r\n????
print "split 0.5"
print "records '%s'" % records
=== end snippet ====
at this point the output looks like this
'[['this is line 1', 'this is line 2', 'this is line 3', '' ]]'
I don't understand why two [[ list symbols are showing up, its like its a
list of lists?
Then when I attempt to pop the first element I get the error.
Probably the problem is somehow related to having [ [ ??
What am I doing wrong?
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a trip to NY
I'm getting an error 'oops an error pop from an empty list'
However I am printing the contents of the list right before i am attempting
the pop and there are items in the list.
The weird thing is the list looks different than i expect it to be.
code snippet:
--- begin snippet --
ourFile = open(fileNamesList[0],'r')
strData = ourFile.read()
records = []
# do we need to use \r\n????
print "split 0.5"
print "records '%s'" % records
=== end snippet ====
at this point the output looks like this
'[['this is line 1', 'this is line 2', 'this is line 3', '' ]]'
I don't understand why two [[ list symbols are showing up, its like its a
list of lists?
Then when I attempt to pop the first element I get the error.
Probably the problem is somehow related to having [ [ ??
What am I doing wrong?
Tracfone: http://cellphone.duneram.com/index.html
Cam: http://www.duneram.com/cam/index.html
Tax: http://www.duneram.com/index.html
Watch the online reality show Mixed Messages with a friend and enter to win
a trip to NY