I run a script in PythonWin and obviously some sort of an error occurs
in the script and PythonWin closes. No warning, no error message just
closes. I definitely know the line of code that causes the problem and
will cite the code below.
Note: I'm using ArcGIS 9.1 (Python 2.1 is bundled with it) and
trying to write a script. I know this works OK at work but on my
home system the problem occurs. I'm suspicious that maybe file sharing
permission problems are the cause. But I can't get any error messages
to even start figuring it out. Using WinXP.
When the 2nd raw_input box opens ( GP.workspace = raw_input('workspace
path: ') and I enter the path and click Ok that's when PythonWin
closes. Here's code:
import win32com.client, sys, os
GP = win32com.client.Dispatch("esriGeoprocessing.GpDispatch.1")
print 'I am in the program' # this works OK
test001 = raw_input('workspace path: ')
print test001 # this works OK
GP.workspace = raw_input('workspace path: ')
print GP.GetMessages(2)
I run a script in PythonWin and obviously some sort of an error occurs
in the script and PythonWin closes. No warning, no error message just
closes. I definitely know the line of code that causes the problem and
will cite the code below.
Note: I'm using ArcGIS 9.1 (Python 2.1 is bundled with it) and
trying to write a script. I know this works OK at work but on my
home system the problem occurs. I'm suspicious that maybe file sharing
permission problems are the cause. But I can't get any error messages
to even start figuring it out. Using WinXP.
When the 2nd raw_input box opens ( GP.workspace = raw_input('workspace
path: ') and I enter the path and click Ok that's when PythonWin
closes. Here's code:
import win32com.client, sys, os
GP = win32com.client.Dispatch("esriGeoprocessing.GpDispatch.1")
print 'I am in the program' # this works OK
test001 = raw_input('workspace path: ')
print test001 # this works OK
GP.workspace = raw_input('workspace path: ')
print GP.GetMessages(2)