Tom Longridge
I'm trying to use PyX to draw some diagrams with text in. I want to
change the font, so need to change the text mode from TeX to LaTeX.
However I get an error when I do so:
pyx.text.TexResultError: unhandled TeX response (might be an error)
The expression passed to TeX was:
After parsing the return message from TeX, the following was left:
*(C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\tex\latex\base\article.cls
Document Class: article 2004/02/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX document
(C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\tex\latex\base\size10.clo))
I'm using MikTek on Windows to run LaTeX; does anyone know if is this
likely to be the problem?
Many thanks,
I'm trying to use PyX to draw some diagrams with text in. I want to
change the font, so need to change the text mode from TeX to LaTeX.
However I get an error when I do so:
pyx.text.TexResultError: unhandled TeX response (might be an error)
The expression passed to TeX was:
After parsing the return message from TeX, the following was left:
*(C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\tex\latex\base\article.cls
Document Class: article 2004/02/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX document
(C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\tex\latex\base\size10.clo))
I'm using MikTek on Windows to run LaTeX; does anyone know if is this
likely to be the problem?
Many thanks,