Hello. I have implemented the Dijkstra shortest path algorithm, it
works fine but I have one question on how I can improve something.
I want to find all the possible shortest paths from a node since there
is a possibility to exist more than one shortest paths with the same
Does anyone has any idea how this could be done?
double Dijkstra_Least_Cost(vector< vector<int> > graph, int
start_vertex, ofstream &outputfile)
unsigned int graph_size = graph.size();
unsigned int D_size = graph_size + 1;
unsigned int ii, jj, W;
unsigned int kk = 1;
double average_distance = 0;
double temp_d = 0;
vector <int> distance;
vector <int> predecessor;
vector <bool> not_checked;
map <int,int> intermediate_nodes;
map<int, int>::const_iterator iter;
vector< vector<int> > betweennes_l(D_size, vector<int>(D_size,0));
outputfile <<"Starting from node: " << start_vertex << endl;
//initialize the vectors
distance.push_back(0); //in order to start from 1.
not_checked.push_back(true); //in order to start from 1.
predecessor.push_back(0); //in order to start from 1.
for (ii = 1; ii < graph_size; ii ++)
distance[start_vertex] = 0; //set start distance to zero
predecessor[0] = -1;
predecessor[start_vertex] = -1; //default start predecessor
not_checked[start_vertex] = false; //mark as checked vertex
bool done = false;
int testing = 0;
while (!done)
int V, shortest_d = BIG;
for (jj = 1; jj < graph_size; jj ++)
//if it is <= we get a different route.
if (distance[jj] <= shortest_d && not_checked[jj])
V = jj;
shortest_d = distance[V];
not_checked[V] = false; //for every neighbor W of V
//edge relaxation
for (W = 1; W < graph_size; W++)
if (graph[V][W] < BIG && not_checked[W])
{ //unchecked neighbor
if (distance[W] > distance[V] + graph[V][W])
distance[W] = distance[V] + graph[V][W];
predecessor[W] = V;
while (kk < graph_size && !not_checked[kk])
done = (kk == graph_size);//done=true if there are no unchecked
//*******************************************PRINT LEAST COST TO NODES
for (ii = 1; ii < graph_size; ii++)
outputfile << "To arrive at node " << ii << " will cost" <<
distance[ii] << endl;
average_distance = temp_d / (graph_size-2);
//-2 because we dont count itself and also
// the graph vector is 1 more than the number of nodes
cout << endl;
//*******************************************PRINT LEAST COST TO NODES
cout << "Shortest Paths" << endl; //Print out all shortest paths
stack<int> temp; //No recursion- use stacks
for (ii = 1; ii < graph_size; ii++)
int m = ii;
int m1;
while (predecessor[m] != -1)
m1 = m;
//intermediate_nodes[m]++; //how many times a node was used along
// paths. we will count the paths of length > 1
m = predecessor[m];
intermediate_nodes[m]++; //how many times a node was used along the
//paths. we will count the paths of length > 2
int flag = 0;
while ( !temp.empty() )
if (flag ==0 )
cout << start_vertex;
cout << "-"<< temp.top();
cout << endl;
for (iter=intermediate_nodes.begin(); iter !=
intermediate_nodes.end(); ++iter)
if (iter->first != start_vertex)
cout << iter->first << ": " << iter->second << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Number of times each link is counted for the Shortest Path"
<< endl;
for ( ii = 1; ii < graph_size; ii++)
for (jj = 1; jj < graph_size; jj++)
if (betweennes_l[ii][jj] != 0 )
cout << ii << "-"<< jj << "=" << betweennes_l[ii][jj]<< endl;
return average_distance;
works fine but I have one question on how I can improve something.
I want to find all the possible shortest paths from a node since there
is a possibility to exist more than one shortest paths with the same
Does anyone has any idea how this could be done?
double Dijkstra_Least_Cost(vector< vector<int> > graph, int
start_vertex, ofstream &outputfile)
unsigned int graph_size = graph.size();
unsigned int D_size = graph_size + 1;
unsigned int ii, jj, W;
unsigned int kk = 1;
double average_distance = 0;
double temp_d = 0;
vector <int> distance;
vector <int> predecessor;
vector <bool> not_checked;
map <int,int> intermediate_nodes;
map<int, int>::const_iterator iter;
vector< vector<int> > betweennes_l(D_size, vector<int>(D_size,0));
outputfile <<"Starting from node: " << start_vertex << endl;
//initialize the vectors
distance.push_back(0); //in order to start from 1.
not_checked.push_back(true); //in order to start from 1.
predecessor.push_back(0); //in order to start from 1.
for (ii = 1; ii < graph_size; ii ++)
distance[start_vertex] = 0; //set start distance to zero
predecessor[0] = -1;
predecessor[start_vertex] = -1; //default start predecessor
not_checked[start_vertex] = false; //mark as checked vertex
bool done = false;
int testing = 0;
while (!done)
int V, shortest_d = BIG;
for (jj = 1; jj < graph_size; jj ++)
//if it is <= we get a different route.
if (distance[jj] <= shortest_d && not_checked[jj])
V = jj;
shortest_d = distance[V];
not_checked[V] = false; //for every neighbor W of V
//edge relaxation
for (W = 1; W < graph_size; W++)
if (graph[V][W] < BIG && not_checked[W])
{ //unchecked neighbor
if (distance[W] > distance[V] + graph[V][W])
distance[W] = distance[V] + graph[V][W];
predecessor[W] = V;
while (kk < graph_size && !not_checked[kk])
done = (kk == graph_size);//done=true if there are no unchecked
//*******************************************PRINT LEAST COST TO NODES
for (ii = 1; ii < graph_size; ii++)
outputfile << "To arrive at node " << ii << " will cost" <<
distance[ii] << endl;
average_distance = temp_d / (graph_size-2);
//-2 because we dont count itself and also
// the graph vector is 1 more than the number of nodes
cout << endl;
//*******************************************PRINT LEAST COST TO NODES
cout << "Shortest Paths" << endl; //Print out all shortest paths
stack<int> temp; //No recursion- use stacks
for (ii = 1; ii < graph_size; ii++)
int m = ii;
int m1;
while (predecessor[m] != -1)
m1 = m;
//intermediate_nodes[m]++; //how many times a node was used along
// paths. we will count the paths of length > 1
m = predecessor[m];
intermediate_nodes[m]++; //how many times a node was used along the
//paths. we will count the paths of length > 2
int flag = 0;
while ( !temp.empty() )
if (flag ==0 )
cout << start_vertex;
cout << "-"<< temp.top();
cout << endl;
for (iter=intermediate_nodes.begin(); iter !=
intermediate_nodes.end(); ++iter)
if (iter->first != start_vertex)
cout << iter->first << ": " << iter->second << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Number of times each link is counted for the Shortest Path"
<< endl;
for ( ii = 1; ii < graph_size; ii++)
for (jj = 1; jj < graph_size; jj++)
if (betweennes_l[ii][jj] != 0 )
cout << ii << "-"<< jj << "=" << betweennes_l[ii][jj]<< endl;
return average_distance;