I work with technical documentation and constantly run into the
problem of one of the major companies in the railway industry sticking
to Quicksilver and claiming that any conversion is highly troublesome
and expensive (not even mentioning any conversion to MS Word or
Now, the question is: However good Quicksilver is, is it totally
impossible/awfully complicated to convert a QS document to XML (or
Framemaker) or are these people just unwilling to do anything unless
they get heaps of money?
We're not just talking text here - there are a number of illustrations
and photos that have to be brought along as well. Does this work, or
should they remove all illustrations and convert the rest to ASCII and
attach a folder with the figures for me to import when using
Framemaker from which XML conversion is fairly straightforward?
Any response out of personal experience highly appreciated.
Besst regards -
I work with technical documentation and constantly run into the
problem of one of the major companies in the railway industry sticking
to Quicksilver and claiming that any conversion is highly troublesome
and expensive (not even mentioning any conversion to MS Word or
Now, the question is: However good Quicksilver is, is it totally
impossible/awfully complicated to convert a QS document to XML (or
Framemaker) or are these people just unwilling to do anything unless
they get heaps of money?
We're not just talking text here - there are a number of illustrations
and photos that have to be brought along as well. Does this work, or
should they remove all illustrations and convert the rest to ASCII and
attach a folder with the figures for me to import when using
Framemaker from which XML conversion is fairly straightforward?
Any response out of personal experience highly appreciated.
Besst regards -