Quartus II LPM simulation

Oct 11, 2008
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Hi everyone,
I'm newie in HDL languages.
I wanted to simulate in Altera Quartus II RAM based Shifter from built-in models - LPM.
When I simulate independent model from LPM library everything is fine / no warrning, no errors.
But when I simulate this model as a part of another block, simulation doesn't work - it gives warrning like posted below - it ignores som outlets and I don't now why, because in hardware implementation it works allright. So that's my bloblem.

I will introduce cocrete example:

This is the whole source code I simulate

module RAW2RGB( oRed,
iRST );

input iX_Cont;
input iY_Cont;
input [9:0] iDATA;
input iDVAL;
input iCLK;
input iRST;
output [9:0] oRed;
output [9:0] oGreen;
output [9:0] oBlue;
output oDVAL;
wire [9:0] mDATA_0;
wire [9:0] mDATA_1;
reg [9:0] mDATAd_0;
reg [9:0] mDATAd_1;
reg [9:0] mCCD_R;
reg [10:0] mCCD_G;
reg [9:0] mCCD_B;
reg mDVAL;

assign oRed = mCCD_R[9:0];
assign oGreen = mCCD_G[10:1];
assign oBlue = mCCD_B[9:0];
assign oDVAL = mDVAL;

Line_Buffer u0 ( .clken(iDVAL),
.taps1x(mDATA_0) );

always@(posedge iCLK or negedge iRST)
mCCD_R <= 0;
mCCD_G <= 0;
mCCD_B <= 0;
mDATAd_0<= 0;
mDATAd_1<= 0;
mDVAL <= 0;
mDATAd_0 <= mDATA_0;
mDATAd_1 <= mDATA_1;
mDVAL <= {iY_Cont|iX_Cont} ? 1'b0 : iDVAL;
mCCD_R <= mDATA_0;
mCCD_G <= mDATAd_0+mDATA_1;
mCCD_B <= mDATAd_1;
else if({iY_Cont,iX_Cont}==2'b00)
mCCD_R <= mDATAd_0;
mCCD_G <= mDATA_0+mDATAd_1;
mCCD_B <= mDATA_1;
else if({iY_Cont,iX_Cont}==2'b11)
mCCD_R <= mDATA_1;
mCCD_G <= mDATA_0+mDATAd_1;
mCCD_B <= mDATAd_0;
else if({iY_Cont,iX_Cont}==2'b10)
mCCD_R <= mDATAd_1;
mCCD_G <= mDATAd_0+mDATA_1;
mCCD_B <= mDATA_0;


module Line_Buffer (

input clken;
input clock;
input [9:0] shiftin;
output [9:0] shiftout;
output [9:0] taps0x;
output [9:0] taps1x;

wire [19:0] sub_wire0;
wire [9:0] sub_wire3;
wire [19:10] sub_wire1 = sub_wire0[19:10];
wire [9:0] sub_wire2 = sub_wire0[9:0];
wire [9:0] taps1x = sub_wire1[19:10];
wire [9:0] taps0x = sub_wire2[9:0];
wire [9:0] shiftout = sub_wire3[9:0];

altshift_taps altshift_taps_component (
.clken (clken),
.clock (clock),
.shiftin (shiftin),
.taps (sub_wire0),
.shiftout (sub_wire3));
altshift_taps_component.lpm_type = "altshift_taps",
altshift_taps_component.number_of_taps = 2,
altshift_taps_component.tap_distance = 3,
altshift_taps_component.width = 10;


...and here are warrnings which are outputed after simulation

Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresponding node name "mCCD_G[0]" in design.
Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresponding node name "mDATA_0[9]" in design.
Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresponding node name "mDATA_0[8]" in design.
Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresponding node name "mDATA_0[7]" in design.
Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresponding node name "mDATA_0[6]" in design.
Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresponding node name "mDATA_0[5]" in design.
Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresponding node name "mDATA_0[4]" in design.
Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresponding node name "mDATA_0[3]" in design.
Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresponding node name "mDATA_0[2]" in design.
Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresponding node name "mDATA_0[1]" in design.
Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresponding node name "mDATA_0[0]" in design.
Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresponding node name "mDATA_1[9]" in design.
Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresponding node name "mDATA_1[8]" in design.
Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresponding node name "mDATA_1[7]" in design.
Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresponding node name "mDATA_1[6]" in design.
Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresponding node name "mDATA_1[5]" in design.
Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresponding node name "mDATA_1[4]" in design.
Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresponding node name "mDATA_1[3]" in design.
Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresponding node name "mDATA_1[2]" in design.
Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresponding node name "mDATA_1[1]" in design.
Warning: Ignored node in vector source file. Can't find corresponding node name "mDATA_1[0]" in design.
Warning: Can't find node "Line_Buffer:u0|taps0x[9]" for functional simulation. Ignored vector source file node.
Warning: Can't find node "Line_Buffer:u0|taps0x[8]" for functional simulation. Ignored vector source file node.
Warning: Can't find node "Line_Buffer:u0|taps0x[7]" for functional simulation. Ignored vector source file node.
Warning: Can't find node "Line_Buffer:u0|taps0x[6]" for functional simulation. Ignored vector source file node.
Warning: Can't find node "Line_Buffer:u0|taps0x[5]" for functional simulation. Ignored vector source file node.
Warning: Can't find node "Line_Buffer:u0|taps0x[4]" for functional simulation. Ignored vector source file node.
Warning: Can't find node "Line_Buffer:u0|taps0x[3]" for functional simulation. Ignored vector source file node.
Warning: Can't find node "Line_Buffer:u0|taps0x[2]" for functional simulation. Ignored vector source file node.
Warning: Can't find node "Line_Buffer:u0|taps0x[1]" for functional simulation. Ignored vector source file node.
Warning: Can't find node "Line_Buffer:u0|taps0x[0]" for functional simulation. Ignored vector source file node.
Warning: Can't find node "Line_Buffer:u0|taps1x[9]" for functional simulation. Ignored vector source file node.
Warning: Can't find node "Line_Buffer:u0|taps1x[8]" for functional simulation. Ignored vector source file node.
Warning: Can't find node "Line_Buffer:u0|taps1x[7]" for functional simulation. Ignored vector source file node.
Warning: Can't find node "Line_Buffer:u0|taps1x[6]" for functional simulation. Ignored vector source file node.
Warning: Can't find node "Line_Buffer:u0|taps1x[5]" for functional simulation. Ignored vector source file node.
Warning: Can't find node "Line_Buffer:u0|taps1x[4]" for functional simulation. Ignored vector source file node.
Warning: Can't find node "Line_Buffer:u0|taps1x[3]" for functional simulation. Ignored vector source file node.
Warning: Can't find node "Line_Buffer:u0|taps1x[2]" for functional simulation. Ignored vector source file node.
Warning: Can't find node "Line_Buffer:u0|taps1x[1]" for functional simulation. Ignored vector source file node.
Warning: Can't find node "Line_Buffer:u0|taps1x[0]" for functional simulation. Ignored vector source file node.

Could someone help me where is the problem why simulator ignore outlets tapsx? I can't resolve this problem for a long time.

Thank you very much for answers!

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