Carl Gilbert
I am working on a site to provide displaying and navigation of images from
several groups and have the following code that changes to displayed gif
based on the query string passed in:
Call: <a href="ShowImage.asp?group=01&image=01&max=28">Group 01, Image 04,
Max 28</a>
grp = request.QueryString("group")
img = request.QueryString("image")
max = request.QueryString("max")
<body MS_POSITIONING="GridLayout">
<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">
<img src="images/<%=grp%><%=img%>.bmp">
My plan is to load the page with an image from a collection and allow the
user to navigate between the images in the collection using Next and
Previous buttons.
Is there anyway to do something like the following?
if not [image] = 01 then
'show the previous button
elseif not [image] = [max] then
'show the next button
end if
Also, is it possible to add or subtract 1 for the next and the previous
links based on the image value?
Regards, Carl Gilbert
I am working on a site to provide displaying and navigation of images from
several groups and have the following code that changes to displayed gif
based on the query string passed in:
Call: <a href="ShowImage.asp?group=01&image=01&max=28">Group 01, Image 04,
Max 28</a>
grp = request.QueryString("group")
img = request.QueryString("image")
max = request.QueryString("max")
<body MS_POSITIONING="GridLayout">
<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">
<img src="images/<%=grp%><%=img%>.bmp">
My plan is to load the page with an image from a collection and allow the
user to navigate between the images in the collection using Next and
Previous buttons.
Is there anyway to do something like the following?
if not [image] = 01 then
'show the previous button
elseif not [image] = [max] then
'show the next button
end if
Also, is it possible to add or subtract 1 for the next and the previous
links based on the image value?
Regards, Carl Gilbert