Bart Van der Donck
Jomo said:That's great. Thanks.
Now what if I want to display the results within a
specific section of an existing HTML page?
Not a problem. You could make a fixed string inside your HTML file (eg
inside a comment tag). Then read the file and replace that string by
your XML output result, before showing in to screen.
Say this is your HTML template, stored as /path/to/your/file.html:
<hr>My header<hr>
<hr>My footer<hr>
Your CGI file could then look like this:
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use XML::Simple;
my $found=0;
$q=~tr/+/ /;
my $xmlfile = XMLin("data.xml", forcearray=>1);
for my $record (@{$xmlfile->{RECORD}})
if (uc $record->{"ARTIST"}->[0] eq uc $q)
if ($found!=1)
print "<html><body>
No website found
open (R, "/path/to/your/file.html") || die "$!";
flock(R, 1) || die "Cant get LOCK_SH on file: $!";
while (<R>)
print $_;
close R;