Hello, All.
I have a question about the conditional generate statement.
For my code:
constant C_BankNumBits : Natural :=1;
constant C_BankNum :Natural := 2**(C_BankNumBits);
G_RegBank1 : if(C_BankNumBits=0) generate
G_RegBank : for i in 0 to (C_BankNum-1) generate
RegBank : brb8
port map (
clka => clk, dina => dina(i), addra => addra,
wea => wea, douta => douta(i),
clkb => clk, dinb => dinb(i), addrb => addrb,
web => web, doutb => doutb(i));
end generate G_RegBank;
end generate G_RegBank1;
....... other generate statement......
(here, I want to use different memory size if different bank number is
I defined addra as std_logic_vector(11-C_BankNumBits downto 0).
Addra in the component brb8 is (11 downto 0).
In this case, I think the above generate statement won't work because
it doesn't satisfy the conidtion: if(C_BankNumBits=0). But the ISE give
me the following error when I check the syntax:
"Width mismatch. Expected width 12, Actual width is 11 for dimension 1
of addra."
Can anybody explains this to me?
Thanks a lot,
I have a question about the conditional generate statement.
For my code:
constant C_BankNumBits : Natural :=1;
constant C_BankNum :Natural := 2**(C_BankNumBits);
G_RegBank1 : if(C_BankNumBits=0) generate
G_RegBank : for i in 0 to (C_BankNum-1) generate
RegBank : brb8
port map (
clka => clk, dina => dina(i), addra => addra,
wea => wea, douta => douta(i),
clkb => clk, dinb => dinb(i), addrb => addrb,
web => web, doutb => doutb(i));
end generate G_RegBank;
end generate G_RegBank1;
....... other generate statement......
(here, I want to use different memory size if different bank number is
I defined addra as std_logic_vector(11-C_BankNumBits downto 0).
Addra in the component brb8 is (11 downto 0).
In this case, I think the above generate statement won't work because
it doesn't satisfy the conidtion: if(C_BankNumBits=0). But the ISE give
me the following error when I check the syntax:
"Width mismatch. Expected width 12, Actual width is 11 for dimension 1
of addra."
Can anybody explains this to me?
Thanks a lot,