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Robert said:
On 04.12.2006 13:04, Zouplaz wrote:
Others have given good answers that I cannot answer better. However:
Are you sure this is true? True, people frequently are scared of Ruby'= s
dynamic nature - or criticize it. But I would not go as far as to clai= m
that the majority of C# / Java developers thinks this approach is
Aaactually, yes, they/we do. The Ruby way presumes reasonably skilled
coders, not going overboard on clobbering , sufficient documentation,
and test coverage. After having seen my odd share of undocumented,
untested messes (usually cobbled together by generations of interns)
that are *barely* maintainable -with- the security blanket of type
checks, tool support, and no possibility of out-of-sight clobbering
changes, I pray /those people/ don't discover Ruby with me having to set
eyes on their code.
(I'm not accepting that the blame be laid on the language, the problems
are usually plain newbiedom, laziness, or copy-pasting snippets of "what
everyone before used and worked" instead of cleaning up the design. I've
seen it with Java, I've seen it with PHP, I have very little doubts I'll
eventually see it with Ruby when it reaches the popularity / hype
threshold. Some of that approach I already notice in some of the newbie
posts here, though in yet negligible amounts.)
Compared with Ruby having a low barrier to entry, followed by a (IMO)
steep learning curve to mastery, and the tendency of people in their
intern phase to be infatuated by shiny sparkly objects (like, oh, witty
eval meta hacks), this scares the heck out of me. (Hopefully, the
harmful features are too advanced for the pointy-haired-boss-acting-hip
sort of programmers.)
Basically, the messiest Java codebase I can imagine isn't nearly as
scary as the messiest Ruby one. FUD? Maybe. Personal experience?
Certainly - code I have to tackle would invariably be much worse if it
abused the wordt of Ruby. But as usual, just a language comparison
without context doesn't really say anything, and the above quoted point
3 is an overgeneralising blanket statement; i.e. more often than not,
patent nonsense, and at least in this case, horribly phrased. Lack Of A
Clue (tm) is what leads to bad practices, the important question is "How
bad practices can you have?". Or scratch that, the only practically
relevant question is "How bad practices DO you have right now?",
anything more general tends to speculation, and in programming
discussions, speculations leads to a vapid cloudfest really fast.
Provided the assumptions mentioned hold for a project during its
lifetime, the dangers of the approach are a non-issue. Except they don't
necessarily, and then the security blanket helps a lot - not everyone
can afford to wrinkle his nose in disgust at ugly code and quit on a
whim. (Need just a *little* more time in the global Fortune 100 entries
spearheading the CV before I can consider moving on from "grin and bear
the soul-draining horror 75% of the time, read bash.org for the rest of
it" employment to being more picky with regards to personally rewarding
experiences.) Ruby's critical point of mass adoption is yet to come, and
if the blogosphere noise is even remotely representative, I'm halfways
sure it -will- come (the mindshare Ruby gets despite not having a single
notable sugar daddy is rather spectacular), and I expect Interesting
Things (tm) to happen if/when it does. Hopefully, of the good sort (job
openings, development funding), but the opposite (widespread
language-altering libraries becoming a tangled mess that requires effort
to get working in a nontrivial project) isn't entirely impossible.
David Vallner
Sleep Deprived
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