Question regarding RMI



I have a remote object "Server" that sends the text "hi there" every 5
seconds. If I unbind it it keeps going on with the text.

Only if I make it return myself after a lookup in the rmiregistry (which
throws an exception if its not there) I can terminate it.

How does remote objects normally crash - do they throw some exception?

Seems wierd that they keep executing eventhough I have them unbinded, and
first stop if I explicitly make a lookup check.

I run the code on my own computer where I have started rmiregistry in winXP.

Matt Humphrey

Johs32 said:
I have a remote object "Server" that sends the text "hi there" every 5
seconds. If I unbind it it keeps going on with the text.

I'm somewhat baffled by your opening statement here. There's nothing in an
RMI server that automatically gives it repeating behavior and in any case
where would it send the message as you havn't mentioned clients. At first I
figured that you're talking about RMI callbacks. However, you might mean
that the server process prints text every 5 seconds. In either case, it
seems the culprit is the thread you make to do this 5-second printing. That
process will not be affected by you unbinding the server. The server
binding affects its ability to accept requests, but doesn't affect
connections already in place. The callback object is essentially a
different server with a different connection--it will keep going until you
stop your thread. If it's just the text, you must stop that thread
Only if I make it return myself after a lookup in the rmiregistry (which
throws an exception if its not there) I can terminate it.

It sounds like your registration thread is really a loop, which explains the
repeating behavior.
How does remote objects normally crash - do they throw some exception?

A normal RMI server responds to requests, any of which might individually
fail, but that normally doesn't affect the operation of the listening
process. The server is considered crashed when it stops accepting
connections. If your server has an internal process--its operation is
separate from how it accepts requests.
Seems wierd that they keep executing eventhough I have them unbinded, and
first stop if I explicitly make a lookup check.

I run the code on my own computer where I have started rmiregistry in

Can you describe in more detail what your server really does or post a
simplified (very simplified) version of your server that exhibits this

Matt Humphrey (e-mail address removed)

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