Question: using fortran function in C


Joon Kim

can someone please help me ?

I'm using LAPACK fortran library in C by intel MKL, but have some
difficulty in using array.

for example, when we call fortran function like dgemv for matrix vector
multiplication and dgels for QR factorization,
dgemv(trans, m, n, apha, a, lda, x, incx, beta, y, incy)
dgels(trnas, m, n, nrhs, a, lda, b, ldb, work, lwork, info)

here a is 2 dim array and x, y, b are one dim array. I tried one-dim
array for a then dgemv works but dgels does not. what I did was defining
a[100] instead of a[10][10] and put this a into those function,

Can someone please inform me how to define two dim arrays for those
functions ?

Thank you.

Kenny McCormack

can someone please help me ?

I'm using LAPACK fortran library in C by intel MKL, but have some
difficulty in using array.

for example, when we call fortran function like dgemv for matrix vector
multiplication and dgels for QR factorization,
dgemv(trans, m, n, apha, a, lda, x, incx, beta, y, incy)
dgels(trnas, m, n, nrhs, a, lda, b, ldb, work, lwork, info)

here a is 2 dim array and x, y, b are one dim array. I tried one-dim
array for a then dgemv works but dgels does not. what I did was defining
a[100] instead of a[10][10] and put this a into those function,

Can someone please inform me how to define two dim arrays for those
functions ?

Thank you.

Let me be the first (of many - the hordes will follow) to wish you,
with all the kindness and love in my heart, the best of luck in all of
your endeavors and to point out that you are:

Off topic. Not portable. Cant discuss it here. Blah, blah, blah.

Useful clc-related links:

Tim Prince

Joon said:
I'm using LAPACK fortran library in C by intel MKL, but have some
difficulty in using array.

for example, when we call fortran function like dgemv for matrix vector
multiplication and dgels for QR factorization,
dgemv(trans, m, n, apha, a, lda, x, incx, beta, y, incy)
dgels(trnas, m, n, nrhs, a, lda, b, ldb, work, lwork, info)

here a is 2 dim array and x, y, b are one dim array. I tried one-dim
array for a then dgemv works but dgels does not. what I did was
defining a[100] instead of a[10][10] and put this a into those function,

Can someone please inform me how to define two dim arrays for those
functions ?

Only the part of your question about the difference between 1D and 2D
arrays has any relevance to c.l.c. As you're surely aware, there is an
open forum site about Intel MKL, where your question would be topical,
after you study the related topics yourself.


Tim said:
Joon said:
I'm using LAPACK fortran library in C by intel MKL, but have some
difficulty in using array.

for example, when we call fortran function like dgemv for matrix vector
multiplication and dgels for QR factorization,
dgemv(trans, m, n, apha, a, lda, x, incx, beta, y, incy)
dgels(trnas, m, n, nrhs, a, lda, b, ldb, work, lwork, info)

here a is 2 dim array and x, y, b are one dim array. I tried one-dim
array for a then dgemv works but dgels does not. what I did was
defining a[100] instead of a[10][10] and put this a into those function,

Can someone please inform me how to define two dim arrays for those
functions ?

Only the part of your question about the difference between 1D and 2D
arrays has any relevance to c.l.c. As you're surely aware, there is an
open forum site about Intel MKL, where your question would be topical,
after you study the related topics yourself.

Could we at least give him some clues ??

Array indices start at zero in C and 1 in Fortran. Two dim arrays in C
are stored row major versus column major order in Fortran.

If calling Fortran , maybe best to stick with a[100] instead of
a[10][10] and do your own index calculations. Subtract one from i and j
if indices are not zero based, and map a(i,j) onto a(i + j*NUMROWS)

Are two dim arrays in C guaranteed to occupy contiguous storage ?


user1 wrote:
Are two dim arrays in C guaranteed to occupy contiguous storage ?

Yes. In C, two-dimensional arrays are simply one-dimensional arrays
whose element type is itself a one dimensional array. Since one-
dimensional arrays are required to occupy contiguous storage, it
follows that the same must be true for an array of arrays.

Keith Thompson

user1 said:
Tim said:
Joon said:
I'm using LAPACK fortran library in C by intel MKL, but have some
difficulty in using array.

for example, when we call fortran function like dgemv for matrix vector
multiplication and dgels for QR factorization,
dgemv(trans, m, n, apha, a, lda, x, incx, beta, y, incy)
dgels(trnas, m, n, nrhs, a, lda, b, ldb, work, lwork, info)

here a is 2 dim array and x, y, b are one dim array. I tried one-dim
array for a then dgemv works but dgels does not. what I did was
defining a[100] instead of a[10][10] and put this a into those function,

Can someone please inform me how to define two dim arrays for those
functions ?

Only the part of your question about the difference between 1D and 2D
arrays has any relevance to c.l.c. As you're surely aware, there is an
open forum site about Intel MKL, where your question would be topical,
after you study the related topics yourself.

Could we at least give him some clues ??

Array indices start at zero in C and 1 in Fortran. Two dim arrays in C
are stored row major versus column major order in Fortran.

If calling Fortran , maybe best to stick with a[100] instead of
a[10][10] and do your own index calculations. Subtract one from i and
j if indices are not zero based, and map a(i,j) onto a(i + j*NUMROWS)

Are two dim arrays in C guaranteed to occupy contiguous storage ?

Yes. A 2-dimensional array in C is nothing more than an array of
arrays, and array elements are guaranteed to occupy contiguous

In theory, treating a 2D X-by-Y array as a 1D array of length X*Y can
invoke undefined behavior. For example:

int array_2d[2][2] = {{10, 20}, {30, 40}};
int *ptr = &array_2d[0][0];
int last_elem = ptr[3]; /* UB */

But in practice it's almost certain to work as you'd expect.


can someone please help me ?

  I'm using LAPACK fortran library in C by intel MKL, but have some
difficulty in using array.

  for example, when we call fortran function like dgemv for matrix vector
multiplication and dgels for QR factorization,
  dgemv(trans, m, n, apha, a, lda, x, incx, beta, y, incy)
  dgels(trnas, m, n, nrhs, a, lda, b, ldb, work, lwork, info)

   here a is 2 dim array and x, y, b are one dim array.  I tried one-dim
array for a then dgemv works but dgels does not.  what I did was defining
a[100] instead of a[10][10] and put this a into those function,

   Can someone please inform me how to define two dim arrays for those
functions ?

Several things to remember about passing data between C and Fortran
routines. First, Fortran stores arrays in column-major order, whereas
C stores them in row-major order. In other words, if you have a 2x2
array in C of {{0,1},{2,3}}, Fortran will read it as {{0,2},{1,3}}.
You'll have to transpose your matrices before passing them to the
Fortran routine.

Second, Fortran expects scalars to be passed by reference, meaning you
need to pass pointers to those variables.

To pass an array to a Fortran routine, you pass the address of the
first element in the array, regardless of the number of dimensions.
Here's a quick-n-dirty example I womped up on my Red Hat box (no
warranties express or implied):


subroutine argtst(a, rw, cl)
integer*4 rw,cl
integer*4 a(rw,cl)

do 10 i=1,rw
do 20 j=1,cl
print *, 'a at',i,j,'=',a(i,j)
20 continue
10 continue



#include <stdio.h>

* Declaration for external F77 subroutine
* Note that the array parameter is a simple
* pointer to int, rather than a pointer to
* an array or double pointer to int.
* Also note that the row and
* column parameters are passed as pointers
* g77 appends an underscore to the function
* name, which is why the function is called
* argtst_ in the C file.
extern argtst_(int *arr, int *rw, int *cl);

int main(void)
* 2x2 array; v1t is the transposed
* version of v1
int v1[2][2] = {{0,1},{2,3}};
int v1t[2][2] = {{0,2},{1,3}};

* 3x4 array; v2t is the transposed version
* of v2
int v2[3][4] = {{0,1,2,3},{4,5,6,7},{8,9,10,11}};
int v2t[4][3] = {{0,4,8},{1,5,9},{2,6,10},{3,7,11}};
int rw, cl;

rw = cl = 2;
* Pass the non-transposed version of v1 to argtst,
* followed by the transposed version, and compare
* output.
* Remember that we are passing the address of the
* first element of the array, which is a simple
* pointer to int.
argtst_(&v1[0][0], &rw, &cl);
argtst_(&v1t[0][0], &rw, &cl);

rw = 3;
cl = 4;

* Pass the non-transposed version of v1 to argtst,
* followed by the transposed version. Note that
* we do *not* change the values of rw and cl for
* v2t, even though v2t's dimensions are 4x3 instead
* of 3x4.
argtst_(&v2[0][0], &rw, &cl);
argtst_(&v2t[0][0], &rw, &cl);

return 0;

So you start with an NxM array, then you need to transpose it to an
MxN array, and then you need to pass the address of the first element
of the transposed array to the routine.

Hope that helps (and is at least partially correct).

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