[QUIZ] Code Heuristics (#172)


Matthew Moss


The three rules of Ruby Quiz 2:

1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this
quiz until 48 hours have passed from the time on this message.

2. Support Ruby Quiz 2 by submitting ideas as often as you can! (A
permanent, new website is in the works for Ruby Quiz 2. Until then,
please visit the temporary website at


3. Enjoy!

Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem
helps everyone on Ruby Talk follow the discussion. Please reply to
the original quiz message, if you can.


## Code Heuristics (#172)

This week, your task is to make my job simpler.

Each week, coders send in their submissions to Ruby Quiz problems,
usually as a mix of quiz discussion and actual code. Your task, then,
is to take a submission as input, and generate output that is the
extracted code. Every line of the input that isn't code should be
prefixed with the comment marker, `#`.

Take the following submission to quiz #158:

I may have missed it, but I didn't see this solution:

require 'enumerator'
"Hello world!\n".enum_for:)each_byte).inject($stdout) { |res, b|
res << b.chr

Which in 1.9 looks much better:

"Hello world!\n".each_char.inject($stdout) { |res, c|
res << c


Your code should take that as input and generate this output:

# I may have missed it, but I didn't see this solution:

require 'enumerator'
"Hello world!\n".enum_for:)each_byte).inject($stdout) { |res, b|
res << b.chr

# Which in 1.9 looks much better:

"Hello world!\n".each_char.inject($stdout) { |res, c|
res << c

# Stefano

Assuming you knew for certain which lines should be commented and
which should not, your submission would be little more than a
glorified `cat`. This quiz is more about identifying Ruby-looking
text: what heuristics or patterns will you use to determine what lines
or groups of lines are Ruby code or not.

Fortunately, there is a large sample set from which you can
experiment: all existing Ruby Quiz submissions. Unfortunately -- for
this quiz, not in general -- Ruby is very dynamic and flexible, which
can make code identification a difficult problem. So I am not
expecting perfection here, but I want to see what tricks, or general
process, you can come up with for this problem.

Extra credit: Provide an optional command-line argument to "split" the
output into multiple files. Each separate file would be a different
chunk of the code, where code is separated by discussion. Commented
discussion should be kept with the code that follows it.

Joshua Ballanco

So, based on the sample test case, do we have to worry about Ruby 1.9 as
well? and the mixed case? That would make this test quite a bit tougher!

Frederick Cheung

-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D= -=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-

## Code Heuristics (#172)

This week, your task is to make my job simpler.

Each week, coders send in their submissions to Ruby Quiz problems,
usually as a mix of quiz discussion and actual code. Your task, then,
is to take a submission as input, and generate output that is the
extracted code. Every line of the input that isn't code should be
prefixed with the comment marker, `#`.

I got lazy and thought I'd let ruby do the hard work. Given some text, =20=

I feed it through

eval("BEGIN {return true}\n#{code}", nil)

and see if an exception is raised or not (this does have limitations). =20=

It's not enough to do this line by line, for example

if foo
puts "bar"

the first and last lines are not, on their own, valid ruby, but as a =20
whole it is of course valid.

For a given chunk of text we first try and find the maximal prefix =20
(prefix isn't quite the right word, since we only split at lines) that =20=

is valid ruby.
To do this we take an empty string and just add a line of the input at =20=

a time, running eval each time to see if what we have is valid.

if there is no such prefix, then the first line must be comment text =20
and so we tag that line as a comment. We remove the line and repeat =20
processing on the remaining lines.
if there is such a prefix then that prefix is tagged as code, we =20
remove it and process the remaining lines.

The output formatter sort of does the splitting into separate files - =20=

it prints a mark to the screen where it would split (I was too lazy to =20=

start messing around with files).

What this code doesn't deal well with is lines with not much text, for =20=


I think this does it:
if foo

The line Fred is marked as code, because that is perfectly legal ruby, =20=

it's just the value of the constant Fred. Of course that would =20
probably blowup if you actually evaluated that line but my valid code =20=

detector can't handle that (I can't really think how you could handle =20=

this with true certainty without actually executing the code).

Sequences like

hope this helps

also look like legal code (but will produce warnings). To get around =20
this we require that our evaling produces no warnings (and thus we =20
trust that ruby quiz submitters squash warnings from their code :)).
Another limitation was that if you were trying to say 'this works in =20
ruby 1.8 but only this works in 1.9' then this solution would fail if =20=

the 1.9 code used some ruby 1.9 specific bit of syntax (obviously if =20
the example just uses differences in the standard library that is =20
irrelevant) and you were running this script on ruby 1.8


Usage: (example stolen from Mikael Hoilund's submission to 171)

Oh hi, I just thought I'd golf a solution. I'm sure other people can =20
do a much better job than I making a full hexdumping suite, so I just =20=

had some fun. Can't seem to get it lower than 78 characters, =20

i=3D0;$<.read.scan(/.{0,16}/m){puts"%08x "%i+$&.unpack('H4'*8).join(' =20=


Expanded and parenthesified, clarified:

i =3D 0
ARGF.read.scan(/.{0,16}/m) {
puts(("%08x " % i) + $&.unpack('H4'*8).join(' '))
i +=3D 16

ARGF (aliased as $<) is the file handle of all file names given in the =20=

arguments concatenated, STDIN if none =97 exactly what we need. The =20
regex to scan matches between 0 and 16 characters (including newline) =20=

greedily. Change it to 1,16 if you don't want the empty line at the end.

Instead of letting the block to scan take an argument, I used a trick =20=

I picked up from the last Ruby Quiz I participated in (Obfuscated =20
Email), and use $& inside the block, which is the last regex match. =20
Saves two characters \o/

produces as output:

#Oh hi, I just thought I'd golf a solution. I'm sure other people can =20=

do a much better job than I making a full hexdumping suite, so I just =20=

had some fun. Can't seem to get it lower than 78 characters, =20

i=3D0;$<.read.scan(/.{0,16}/m){puts"%08x "%i+$&.unpack('H4'*8).join(' =20=


#Expanded and parenthesified, clarified:

i =3D 0
ARGF.read.scan(/.{0,16}/m) {
puts(("%08x " % i) + $&.unpack('H4'*8).join(' '))
i +=3D 16

#ARGF (aliased as $<) is the file handle of all file names given in =20
the arguments concatenated, STDIN if exactly what we need. The regex =20=

to scan matches between 0 and 16 characters (including newline) =20
greedily. Change it to 1,16 if you don't want the empty line at the =20

#Instead of letting the block to scan take an argument, I used a trick =20=

I picked up from the last Ruby Quiz I participated in (Obfuscated =20
Email), and use $& inside the block, which is the last regex match. =20
Saves two characters o/

The code:

require 'stringio'
Struct.new 'Line', :data, :code
class CodeExtractor
attr_reader :lines, :eek:utput

def initialize(text)
@output =3D []
@lines =3D text.split(/[\r\n]/)

def extract
while lines.any?
process lines

def valid_syntax?(code)
io =3D StringIO.new
original_err, $stderr=3D $stderr, io
eval("BEGIN {return true}\n#{code}")
raise 'here'
rescue Exception
$stderr =3D original_err
return false if io.length > 0

#returns the maximum number of lines (contiguous from the start) =20
that are valid ruby
def valid_code_prefix_length lines
max_valid_lines =3D 0
code =3D ""
lines.each_with_index do |line, index|
code << line
code << "\n"
if valid_syntax? code
max_valid_lines =3D index + 1
return max_valid_lines

def append_output(line, code)
@output << Struct::Line.new(line, code)

def process lines
if (prefix_length =3D valid_code_prefix_length lines) > 0
prefix_length.times { append_output lines.shift, true }
append_output lines.shift, false

def format_output
last_line =3D nil
@output.each do |line|
if line.data =3D~ /^\s*$/
puts ""
if last_line && last_line.code && !line.code #transition from =20
code to comment
puts "-------"
puts "#{line.code ? '':'#'}#{line.data}"
last_line =3D line

def self.extract(text)
c=3D CodeExtractor.new text

Jesse Brown

Here is my attempt.
I made the huge assumption that most code adheres to some indentation
style. Based on that all I really had to worry about was what lines
would usually not be indented (those that start a new scope).
I also changed the prefixing of the output since lines with # might
actually be part of the code as comments.
After dealing with this in several submissions I decided to allow for
text from a copied email to be removed (usually prefixed with "> ") so
that only the submitters comments were included.
With the provided example...

172 $ ruby rubyish.rb < test.eml
[TEXT] I may have missed it, but I didn't see this solution:

 require 'enumerator'
[CODE] "Hello world!\n".enum_for(:each_byte).inject($stdout) { |res, b|
[CODE]   res << b.chr
[CODE] }

[TEXT] Which in 1.9 looks much better:

[CODE] "Hello world!\n".each_char.inject($stdout) { |res, c|
[CODE]   res << c
[CODE] }

[TEXT] Stefano


#!/usr/bin/env ruby

begin do end while for in if else break redo next loop retry ensure
rescue case when exit unless and or not class module new def raise
puts print p


def load_keywords(file)
return KEYWORDS unless file
keywords = []
File.open(file).each do |line|
keywords << line.chomp.split(/\s+/)
keywords = KEYWORDS

# Determine if the line looks as though it begins/ends a block of code
def block_statement?(text)

# Assignment is assumed to be code
# This can lead to several false positives...keep?
return true if text =~ /[^=]+=[^=]/

case text
when /^(def|class|module)/
when /^(begin|do|while|ARG.[\[\.]|for|case|if|loop|puts|print|p[( ])/
when /(\{|do) (\|.*?\|)?\s*$/
when /^(end|\})/

# Assume that symbols are language items. And words that match
# a set of keywords are language items. Everything else is text
# Whitespace is not considered
# Returns [# language tokens, # total tokens]
def separate(text,keywords)
words = text.scan(/\w+/)
s = words.join
symbols = (text.split(//) - s.split(//)).delete_if { |x| x =~ /\s+/ }

special = symbols.size
total = words.size + special

words.each { |w| special += 1 if keywords.include?(w) }


def usage
$stderr.puts "USAGE: #{File.basename($0)} [options] [-f <file>]"
$stderr.puts "-"*40
$stderr.puts " -c <prefix>"
$stderr.puts "      When text is copied from a previous email and
should be"
$stderr.puts "      removed, prefix is the start of the copied lines
(ex. -c '> ')"
$stderr.puts " -s [name]"
$stderr.puts "      Split comment/code pairs into separate files"
$stderr.puts "      If provided, files are named name.N (Default:
$stderr.puts " -t <value>"
$stderr.puts "      Threshold for assuming a line is code vs.
$stderr.puts "      0.0 - 1.0 : percent of symbols that need to be
code-like (Default: 0.60)"
$stderr.puts " -k <keyword file>"
$stderr.puts "      File containing the whitespace-separated list of
$stderr.puts "      to use in code-like matching"
$stderr.puts " -p [on|off]"
$stderr.puts "      If on, prefix code output with [CODE] and comment"
$stderr.puts "      output with [TEXT]. (Default: on)"
exit 42

def parse_options
opts = {:prefix => true}
ARGV.join.split('-').delete_if { |x| x == "" }.each do |arg|
case arg
when /^c(.+)/
opts[:copied] = $1.strip
when /^s(.+)/
opts[:outfile] = $1.strip
when /^t(.)/
t = $1.strip.to_f
raise "Invalid Threshold #{$1}" if t < 0.0 || t > 1.0
opts[:threshold] = t
when /^k(.+)/
opts[:keyfile] = $1.strip
when /^f(.+)/
opts[:input] = $1.strip
when /^p(.+)/
opts[:prefix] = $1 == "on"

# Begin execution

opts = parse_options
input = opts[:input] ? File.open(opts[:input]) : $stdin
keywords = load_keywords(opts[:keywords])
threshold = opts[:threshold] || THRESHOLD

# Initial classification
classified = []
input.each do |line|
# ignore all lines copied from previous emails
next if opts[:copied] && line =~ /^#{opts[:copied]}/
case line
when /^\s*$/
classified << [:blank, line]
when /^\s*#/, /^\s+/, /^require/
classified << [:code, line]
classified << [:text, line]

# Make educated guesses based on content of remaining lines
estimated = []
classified.each do |type,line|
case type
when :code, :blank
estimated << [type, line]
when :text
if block_statement?(line)
estimated << [:code, line]
# Compare words to 'guessed' language characters
special,total = separate(line, keywords)
if special.to_f/total.to_f >= threshold
estimated << [:code,line]
estimated << [:text,line]

# Assume that one line of code surrounded by two non-code lines
# is just an example and not part of the actual submission
size = estimated.size
(0...size).each do |i|
next if i < 2
next if i > size - 3
a,_,b,_,type,line,y,_,z_ = estimated.slice((i-2)..(i+2))
next unless type == :code
next if [a,b,c,d].include? :code
estimated[i] = [:text, line]

# Output modified submission
n, last, out = 0, nil, $stdout
if opts[:outfile]
file = "%s.%d" % [opts[:outfile], n]
out = File.open(file, 'w')

estimated.each do |type,line|
case type
when :blank
when :text
if last == :code && out != $stdout
file = "%s.%d" % [opts[:outfile], n += 1]
out = File.open(file, 'w')
prefix = opts[:prefix] ? " [TEXT] " : ""
out.puts prefix + line
when :code
prefix = opts[:prefix] ? " [CODE] " : ""
out.puts prefix + line
last = type

Matthew Moss

Summary for the Code Heuristics quiz delayed; should be up tomorrow.

Apologies, things have come up that have prevented me from finishing
the summary. I'll get it done this weekend. Needless to say, there
won't be a new quiz this week.

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