[QUIZ] Not So Random (#173)


Matthew Moss


The three rules of Ruby Quiz 2:

1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this
quiz until 48 hours have passed from the time on this message.

2. Support Ruby Quiz 2 by submitting ideas as often as you can! (A
permanent, new website is in the works for Ruby Quiz 2. Until then,
please visit the temporary website at


3. Enjoy!

Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem
helps everyone on Ruby Talk follow the discussion. Please reply to
the original quiz message, if you can.


## Not So Random (#173)

As part of Ruby's standard library, we have access to a good
pseudorandom number generator (PRNG), the [Mersenne twister][1]. (In
particular, the MT19937 variant.) Ruby provides two kernel functions
to make use of this generator: `srand` and `rand`. This week's quiz
involves generating random numbers in a predictable manner.

The first part is to create a wrapper around the random number
generator `rand`, supporting the appropriate parameter (i.e. the
parameter intrinsic to `rand`). Your wrapper should implement two
additional functions: `next` which returns the next random number, and
`reset` which restarts the sequence. So, for example:

irb> x = Random.new(100)
=> #<Random:...>

irb> Array.new(5) { x.next }
=> [51, 92, 14, 71, 60]

irb> Array.new(5) { x.next }
=> [20, 82, 86, 74, 74]

irb> x.reset
=> nil

irb> Array.new(5) { x.next }
=> [51, 92, 14, 71, 60] # after reset, sequence restarts

You may do this as a class, as depicted here, or as a function,
lambda, code block... whatever you like.

The second part is a little trickier: creating multiple, concurrent,
_reproducible_ sequences of pseudorandom numbers isn't so easy. As
convenient as the built-in generator is, there is only one seed. For
example, assume we have two `Random` objects, created as shown above,
`x` and `y`.

irb> x = Random.new(100)
=> #<Random:...>

irb> Array.new(6) { x.next }
=> [51, 92, 14, 71, 60, 20]

irb> y = Random.new(100)
=> #<random:...>

irb> Array.new(6) { y.next }
=> [66, 92, 98, 17, 83, 57]

irb> x.reset
=> nil

irb> Array.new(2) { x.next }
=> [51, 92] # ok: sequence restarted as requested

irb> Array.new(2) { y.next }
=> [14, 71] # fail: this is part of _x_ sequence

irb> Array.new(2) { x.next }
=> [60, 20] # more fail: _x_ is now [51, 92, 60, 20]? wrong...

The reason for the failure should be obvious: my current
implementation of `Random` just blindly uses `srand` and `rand`
without considering that there may be multiple instances of `Random`.

So, for this second part, expand your wrapper to support concurrent
use. Please note that you are required to make use of the built-in
generator: you should not implement your own PRNG.

One final note... It is up to you whether the seed for each wrapper
will be user-settable or hidden (as in my examples above). However, if
hidden, each wrapper should have a different seed. (Generated
randomly, perhaps?)

[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mersenne_twister

Frederick Cheung


The three rules of Ruby Quiz 2:

1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this
quiz until 48 hours have passed from the time on this message.

2. Support Ruby Quiz 2 by submitting ideas as often as you can! (A
permanent, new website is in the works for Ruby Quiz 2. Until then,
please visit the temporary website at


3. Enjoy!

Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem
helps everyone on Ruby Talk follow the discussion. Please reply to
the original quiz message, if you can.

Great to have the quiz back! This one looks fun.

## Not So Random (#173)

As part of Ruby's standard library, we have access to a good
pseudorandom number generator (PRNG), the [Mersenne twister][1]. (In
particular, the MT19937 variant.) Ruby provides two kernel functions
to make use of this generator: `srand` and `rand`. This week's quiz
involves generating random numbers in a predictable manner.

The first part is to create a wrapper around the random number
generator `rand`, supporting the appropriate parameter (i.e. the
parameter intrinsic to `rand`). Your wrapper should implement two
additional functions: `next` which returns the next random number, and
`reset` which restarts the sequence. So, for example:

irb> x = Random.new(100)
=> #<Random:...>

irb> Array.new(5) { x.next }
=> [51, 92, 14, 71, 60]

irb> Array.new(5) { x.next }
=> [20, 82, 86, 74, 74]

irb> x.reset
=> nil

irb> Array.new(5) { x.next }
=> [51, 92, 14, 71, 60] # after reset, sequence restarts

You may do this as a class, as depicted here, or as a function,
lambda, code block... whatever you like.

The second part is a little trickier: creating multiple, concurrent,
_reproducible_ sequences of pseudorandom numbers isn't so easy. As
convenient as the built-in generator is, there is only one seed. For
example, assume we have two `Random` objects, created as shown above,
`x` and `y`.

irb> x = Random.new(100)
=> #<Random:...>

irb> Array.new(6) { x.next }
=> [51, 92, 14, 71, 60, 20]

irb> y = Random.new(100)
=> #<random:...>

irb> Array.new(6) { y.next }
=> [66, 92, 98, 17, 83, 57]

irb> x.reset
=> nil

irb> Array.new(2) { x.next }
=> [51, 92] # ok: sequence restarted as requested

irb> Array.new(2) { y.next }
=> [14, 71] # fail: this is part of _x_ sequence

irb> Array.new(2) { x.next }
=> [60, 20] # more fail: _x_ is now [51, 92, 60, 20]?

The reason for the failure should be obvious: my current
implementation of `Random` just blindly uses `srand` and `rand`
without considering that there may be multiple instances of `Random`.

So, for this second part, expand your wrapper to support concurrent
use. Please note that you are required to make use of the built-in
generator: you should not implement your own PRNG.

One final note... It is up to you whether the seed for each wrapper
will be user-settable or hidden (as in my examples above). However, if
hidden, each wrapper should have a different seed. (Generated
randomly, perhaps?)

[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mersenne_twister


## Not So Random (#173)

The first part is to create a wrapper around the random number
generator `rand`, supporting the appropriate parameter (i.e. the
parameter intrinsic to `rand`). Your wrapper should implement two
additional functions: `next` which returns the next random number, and
`reset` which restarts the sequence.

The second part is a little trickier: creating multiple, concurrent,
_reproducible_ sequences of pseudorandom numbers isn't so easy. As
convenient as the built-in generator is, there is only one seed.

A couple of unit tests:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

class Random
def initialize(ceiling, seed = nil)

def next

def reset

require 'test/unit'

class RandomTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_001
x = Random.new(100, 2112)
assert_equal( [38, 1, 5, 57, 11], Array.new(5) { x.next })
assert_equal( [ 1, 31, 3, 56, 14], Array.new(5) { x.next })
assert_equal( [38, 1, 5, 57, 11], Array.new(5) { x.next })

def test_002
x = Random.new(100, 2112)
assert_equal( [38, 1, 5, 57, 11], Array.new(5) { x.next })
y = Random.new(100, 1221)
assert_equal( [ 5, 99, 88, 48, 86], Array.new(5) { y.next })
assert_equal( [38, 1, 5, 57, 11], Array.new(5) { x.next })
assert_equal( [34, 28, 72, 77, 87], Array.new(5) { y.next })
assert_equal( [ 1, 31, 3, 56, 14], Array.new(5) { x.next })

Loaded suite foo
Finished in 0.251163 seconds.

2 tests, 8 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors

Matthew Moss

The first part is to create a wrapper around the random number
generator `rand`, supporting the appropriate parameter (i.e. the
parameter intrinsic to `rand`). Your wrapper should implement two
additional functions: `next` which returns the next random number, and
`reset` which restarts the sequence. So, for example:
You may do this as a class, as depicted here, or as a function,
lambda, code block... whatever you like.

Let me add a bit of additional info to this... I indicated that you
should implement methods `next` and `reset` on your wrapper. This is
not a hard requirement.

You _do_ need to provide a way to access a particular generator's
(i.e. wrapper's) next number, and provide a way to reset the sequence.
For a class wrapper, this is somewhat natural to do as methods `next`
and `reset`, hence my suggestion.

However, if you find want to use another technique (function, code
block, closure, etc.) is more suitable for your solution, please do...
and if that means providing alternate means (other than next/reset
methods) to access the next random number and reset the sequence,
that's fine. Just state in your submission how you provided for next/
reset equivalents.

Martin Bryce

I know that a Mersenne Twister has a large internal state, so it takes
time to "get started" and produce good quality random numbers from a
non-random initial state. If it gets frequently reseeded, either the
seeding procedure refreshes all the state and runs it for a bit (i.e.
takes a lot of time) or the quality will greatly degrade, I guess. Is
this a problem?

Matthew Moss

I know that a Mersenne Twister has a large internal state, so it takes
time to "get started" and produce good quality random numbers from a
non-random initial state. If it gets frequently reseeded, either the
seeding procedure refreshes all the state and runs it for a bit (i.e.
takes a lot of time) or the quality will greatly degrade, I guess. Is
this a problem?

For the purposes of this quiz, no.

Thomas Wieczorek

My solution seems to work:

irb(main):022:0> x = Random.new(100, 1234)
=> #<Random: ...>
irb(main):023:0> Array.new(6) { x.next }
=> [47, 83, 38, 53, 76, 24]
irb(main):024:0> y = Random.new(100, 2345)
=> #<Random: ...>
irb(main):025:0> Array.new(6) { y.next }
=> [80, 7, 96, 16, 2, 96]
irb(main):026:0> x.reset
=> 2345
irb(main):027:0> Array.new(2) { x.next }
=> [47, 83]
irb(main):028:0> Array.new(2) { y.next }
=> [0, 98]
irb(main):029:0> Array.new(2) { x.next }
=> [38, 53]

It's not the most beatiful way, but it works.

Frederick Cheung


The three rules of Ruby Quiz 2:

1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this
quiz until 48 hours have passed from the time on this message.

2. Support Ruby Quiz 2 by submitting ideas as often as you can! (A
permanent, new website is in the works for Ruby Quiz 2. Until then,
please visit the temporary website at


3. Enjoy!

Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem
helps everyone on Ruby Talk follow the discussion. Please reply to
the original quiz message, if you can.


## Not So Random (#173)

A crude solution: we remember the seed and how many times we've been
called. When called for the n+1 time, we reset the seed, call rand n
times and then return the result of the n+1th call.
As far as the selection of the original seed goes, srand can already
cook one up for us so we lean on that.

class Random
def initialize(*rand_args)
@rand_args = rand_args
ignored, @start_seed = srand, srand
@sequence = 0

def next
@sequence.times { rand *@rand_args}
@sequence += 1
rand *@rand_args

def reset
@sequence = 0

Performance wise this isn't great - generating n random numbers
require n(n+1)/2 calls to rand. Things can be improved by generating
(say) 100 numbers in one go, since what is expensive is recovering our
previous state.

This sample achieves that

class Random
def initialize(*rand_args)
@rand_args = rand_args
ignored, @start_seed = srand, srand
@sequence = 0
@cache = []

def next
populate if @cache.empty?

def populate
@sequence.times { rand *@rand_args}
100.times do
@cache << rand(*@rand_args)
@sequence += 100

def reset
@cache = []
@sequence = 0

It's a lot faster (0.25s versus 22.3 s to generate 10000 numbers) but
the complexity isn't any better.



My first solution takes a similar approach as FC first one but with
some caching. The sequence is only regenerated when the context has

class Random
@@context = nil

def initialize(ceiling, seed = nil)
@seed = seed || srand(srand)
@rand = Hash.new do |h,k|
unless @@context == self
1.upto(@index - 1) {rand(ceiling)}
@@context = self
h[k] = rand(ceiling)

def next
@rand[@index += 1]

def reset
@index = 0

I haven't had the time to give it too much thought so I'm not sure if
the following actually makes sense. The idea is to seed the random
generator for the next random number with an initial seed + object-
specific sequence number. The sequence is deterministic and mostly
random but differs from the default sequence.

class Random
def initialize(ceiling, seed = nil)
@seed = seed || (srand; rand(ceiling))
@rand = Hash.new do |h,k|
srand(@seed + k)
h[k] = rand(ceiling)

def next
@rand[@index += 1]

def reset
@index = 0


## Not So Random (#173)

The first part is to create a wrapper around the random number
generator `rand`, supporting the appropriate parameter (i.e. the
parameter intrinsic to `rand`). Your wrapper should implement two
additional functions: `next` which returns the next random number, and
`reset` which restarts the sequence.

The second part is a little trickier: creating multiple, concurrent,
_reproducible_ sequences of pseudorandom numbers isn't so easy. As
convenient as the built-in generator is, there is only one seed.

Since a single Ruby process only has one PRNG, slave off an extra
process for each Random class:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'rubygems'
require 'slave'

class Random
def initialize(ceiling, seed = nil)
@ceiling = ceiling
@seed = seed || rand(2112)
@slave = Slave::new{
lambda {|reset|
if reset

def next

def reset

require 'test/unit'

class RandomTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_001
x = Random.new(100, 2112)
assert_equal( [38, 1, 5, 57, 11], Array.new(5) { x.next })
assert_equal( [ 1, 31, 3, 56, 14], Array.new(5) { x.next })
assert_equal( [38, 1, 5, 57, 11], Array.new(5) { x.next })

def test_002
x = Random.new(100, 2112)
assert_equal( [38, 1, 5, 57, 11], Array.new(5) { x.next })
y = Random.new(100, 1221)
assert_equal( [ 5, 99, 88, 48, 86], Array.new(5) { y.next })
assert_equal( [38, 1, 5, 57, 11], Array.new(5) { x.next })
assert_equal( [34, 28, 72, 77, 87], Array.new(5) { y.next })
assert_equal( [ 1, 31, 3, 56, 14], Array.new(5) { x.next })

Loaded suite foo
Finished in 0.251163 seconds.

2 tests, 8 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors

Bill Kelly

From: said:
Since a single Ruby process only has one PRNG, slave off an extra
process for each Random class:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'rubygems'
require 'slave'

Nifty. I hadn't seen the slave library before. Is it a wrapper
around fork? gem --list doesn't find any description:

slave (1.2.1, 1.2.0, 1.1.0, 1.0.0, 0.2.0, 0.0.1, 0.0.0)

Anyway... I took a similar approach, but using popen. I meant it
to be a somewhat tongue-in-cheek solution... but it does work. :)


class Random

def initialize(ceiling=0, seed=nil)
@ceiling = ceiling
@io = nil
@seed = seed || (rand(0xFFFFFFFF) + 1)

def next
restart_pipe unless @io
n = @io.gets.chomp
if n.index(".")

def reset


def restart_pipe
@io = IO.popen(%{ruby -e "srand(#@seed); loop{puts rand(#@ceiling)}"}, "r")

def kill_pipe
if @io
Process.kill("KILL", @io.pid)
@io = nil

if $0 == __FILE__

# tests from brabuhr-at-gmail.com

require 'test/unit'

class RandomTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_001
x = Random.new(100, 2112)
assert_equal( [38, 1, 5, 57, 11], Array.new(5) { x.next })
assert_equal( [ 1, 31, 3, 56, 14], Array.new(5) { x.next })
assert_equal( [38, 1, 5, 57, 11], Array.new(5) { x.next })

def test_002
x = Random.new(100, 2112)
assert_equal( [38, 1, 5, 57, 11], Array.new(5) { x.next })
y = Random.new(100, 1221)
assert_equal( [ 5, 99, 88, 48, 86], Array.new(5) { y.next })
assert_equal( [38, 1, 5, 57, 11], Array.new(5) { x.next })
assert_equal( [34, 28, 72, 77, 87], Array.new(5) { y.next })
assert_equal( [ 1, 31, 3, 56, 14], Array.new(5) { x.next })





Martin Bryce

Hallo everybody. Please go easy on me, this quiz solution is my third
ruby program ;) This language is a new discovery and it fascinates me,
but I learnt to program in the old-fashioned imperative world in high
school and I'm sure that it shows pretty clearly in the code (I made a
couple of "shout-outs" in the code to all fellow former users of the one
and only Borland Turbo Pascal 7 compiler :)

I decided to enter the "contest" hoping that somebody will show how
these "translated Pascal" constructs of mine can be rephrased in a "more
Ruby" way, maybe ;) Then, along the way, i discovered a really strange
thing that I'd like to discuss with you.

The first class adheres to the quiz specifications, but I will be frank,
anyway: I cheated. ;) The class simply stores the already generated
numbers... after all, I tought, the tradeoff beween a few kilobytes of
memory and the millions of cycles and butchering of mathematics caused
by continuously reseeding the main PRNG should be acceptable. If
somebody wants to pull hundreds of thousands of numbers in different
sequences from such a thing, he is doing the wrong thing anyway....

class Rseq

@@Instances = 0
@@Previous = 0
@@Randomize = rand 2**29

def getID
@@Instances = @@Instances.succ
return ( @@Instances * 43589 + @@Randomize )

def initialize(arg_to_rand=0)
@ID = getID
@arg = arg_to_rand
@@Previous = @ID
@cache = [ rand( @arg ) ]
@pos = 0

def next
@pos = @pos.succ
if @pos <= @cache.length
return @cache[(@pos-1)]
if @@Previous != @ID
@@Previous = @ID
srand ( @ID + @pos )
@cache.push rand(@arg)
return @cache.last

def reset
@pos = 0


A better way to answer the basic quiz specifications for arbitrarily
large outputs could be to hash a counter, I realized, so I wrote another
class that works that way. Just for fun. A literal counter should work
fine with a good hash function (maybe with some feedback), but I decided
to use a string as "counter" because I believed that the Ruby hash
function was optimized for those.

class HRand

MAXINT = (2**(1.size*8 - 2) - 1).to_f

def initialize(arg_to_rand=0)
@arg = arg_to_rand.to_i
if @arg.is_a? Bignum
@FIXNUM = false
bytes = @arg.size
@D = (0x7F<< ((bytes-1)*8))
(bytes-2).times {|k| @D = (@D && (0xFF << (k*8))) }
@FIXNUM = true

@s = ''
10.times { @s = @s + rand(255).chr }
@index = 0

def next
@index = @index.succ
h = (@s + @index.to_s).hash.abs
return (h / MAXINT * @arg).to_i
num = 0
words = @arg.size/1.size
words.times {|k| n = n + ((@s + k.chr + @index.to_s).hash.abs <<
k*1.size*8) }
num[bytes*8-1] = 0
fraction = Rational(n,@D)
return (@arg * fraction).to_i

def reset
@index = 0

And it doesn't work.
Not surprising, in itself.
But it's totally unexpected and surprising that the fault, as far as I
can tell, doesn't lie in my code but in core Ruby o___O
The HRand objects output long runs of the same numbers because the
string.hash method returns SEQUENTIAL numbers for alphabetically
sequential strings!

I was taught that a hash function should strive to distribute the inputs
in its keyspace with maximal randomness, and that it should mask any
normally possible input pattern (those that are not a knowledgeable
attack at the function, I mean)..... That's not a hash function, that's
a checksum!

Does Ruby use such a dreadful function for its internal hash tables? If
so, filling a hash with previously ordered data is going to (over)fill
the hash buckets one by one... @___@

Bill Kelly

From: "Martin Bryce said:
string.hash method returns SEQUENTIAL numbers for alphabetically
sequential strings!

I was taught that a hash function should strive to distribute the inputs
in its keyspace with maximal randomness, and that it should mask any
normally possible input pattern (those that are not a knowledgeable
attack at the function, I mean)..... That's not a hash function, that's
a checksum!

Does Ruby use such a dreadful function for its internal hash tables? If
so, filling a hash with previously ordered data is going to (over)fill
the hash buckets one by one... @___@

I'm not sure why that would follow. The number of buckets is typically
a prime number, and the hash value is mapped to a bucket number by
modulo arithmetic. So . . . .
a hash=100 -> bucket=2
b hash=101 -> bucket=3
c hash=102 -> bucket=4
d hash=103 -> bucket=5
e hash=104 -> bucket=6
f hash=105 -> bucket=0
g hash=106 -> bucket=1
h hash=107 -> bucket=2
i hash=108 -> bucket=3
j hash=109 -> bucket=4
k hash=110 -> bucket=5
l hash=111 -> bucket=6
m hash=112 -> bucket=0
n hash=113 -> bucket=1
o hash=114 -> bucket=2
p hash=115 -> bucket=3
q hash=116 -> bucket=4
r hash=117 -> bucket=5
s hash=118 -> bucket=6
t hash=119 -> bucket=0
u hash=120 -> bucket=1
v hash=121 -> bucket=2
w hash=122 -> bucket=3
x hash=123 -> bucket=4
y hash=124 -> bucket=5
z hash=125 -> bucket=6

I'm far from an expert on such matters... but it's not clear to me why
sequential hash values would be a problem for this application?



Martin Bryce

Bill said:
I'm not sure why that would follow. The number of buckets is typically
a prime number, and the hash value is mapped to a bucket number by
modulo arithmetic. So . . . .

Oh, right. You usually reduce the output to the size of the table with
the modulus, obviously... anyway, I used to think that the output of an
hash function should look random to anybody who isn't actively trying to
break it (the output of a cryptography-grade hash should look random
EVEN IF YOU TRY, obviously :D)

Michael Morin

Matthew said:

The three rules of Ruby Quiz 2:

1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this
quiz until 48 hours have passed from the time on this message.

2. Support Ruby Quiz 2 by submitting ideas as often as you can! (A
permanent, new website is in the works for Ruby Quiz 2. Until then,
please visit the temporary website at


3. Enjoy!

Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem
helps everyone on Ruby Talk follow the discussion. Please reply to
the original quiz message, if you can.


## Not So Random (#173)

As part of Ruby's standard library, we have access to a good
pseudorandom number generator (PRNG), the [Mersenne twister][1]. (In
particular, the MT19937 variant.) Ruby provides two kernel functions
to make use of this generator: `srand` and `rand`. This week's quiz
involves generating random numbers in a predictable manner.

The first part is to create a wrapper around the random number
generator `rand`, supporting the appropriate parameter (i.e. the
parameter intrinsic to `rand`). Your wrapper should implement two
additional functions: `next` which returns the next random number, and
`reset` which restarts the sequence. So, for example:

irb> x = Random.new(100)
=> #<Random:...>

irb> Array.new(5) { x.next }
=> [51, 92, 14, 71, 60]

irb> Array.new(5) { x.next }
=> [20, 82, 86, 74, 74]

irb> x.reset
=> nil

irb> Array.new(5) { x.next }
=> [51, 92, 14, 71, 60] # after reset, sequence restarts

You may do this as a class, as depicted here, or as a function,
lambda, code block... whatever you like.

The second part is a little trickier: creating multiple, concurrent,
_reproducible_ sequences of pseudorandom numbers isn't so easy. As
convenient as the built-in generator is, there is only one seed. For
example, assume we have two `Random` objects, created as shown above,
`x` and `y`.

irb> x = Random.new(100)
=> #<Random:...>

irb> Array.new(6) { x.next }
=> [51, 92, 14, 71, 60, 20]

irb> y = Random.new(100)
=> #<random:...>

irb> Array.new(6) { y.next }
=> [66, 92, 98, 17, 83, 57]

irb> x.reset
=> nil

irb> Array.new(2) { x.next }
=> [51, 92] # ok: sequence restarted as requested

irb> Array.new(2) { y.next }
=> [14, 71] # fail: this is part of _x_ sequence

irb> Array.new(2) { x.next }
=> [60, 20] # more fail: _x_ is now [51, 92, 60, 20]? wrong...

The reason for the failure should be obvious: my current
implementation of `Random` just blindly uses `srand` and `rand`
without considering that there may be multiple instances of `Random`.

So, for this second part, expand your wrapper to support concurrent
use. Please note that you are required to make use of the built-in
generator: you should not implement your own PRNG.

One final note... It is up to you whether the seed for each wrapper
will be user-settable or hidden (as in my examples above). However, if
hidden, each wrapper should have a different seed. (Generated
randomly, perhaps?)

[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mersenne_twister

Without knowing how the PRNG is implemented (even if in C or Ruby), this
solution solves the problem. It'll be slow if you're switching between
generators deep in the sequence, but it works. It also accounts for
Kernel#rand and Kernel#srand screwing up your Random objects. It passes
the tests posted by (e-mail address removed).

module Kernel
alias_method :eek:ld_rand, :rand
alias_method :eek:ld_srand, :srand

def rand(*a)

def srand(*a)

class Random
@@seed = nil

def self.dirty
@@seed = nil

def initialize(range, seed = Time.now.to_i)
@range = range
@seed = seed

def reset
@sequence = 0

def reinitialize
@@seed = @seed
@sequence.times { old_rand(@range) }

def next
reinitialize if @@seed.nil? or @@seed != @seed
@sequence += 1

Michael Morin
Guide to Ruby
Become an About.com Guide: beaguide.about.com
About.com is part of the New York Times Company

Michael Morin

## Not So Random (#173)

The first part is to create a wrapper around the random number
generator `rand`, supporting the appropriate parameter (i.e. the
parameter intrinsic to `rand`). Your wrapper should implement two
additional functions: `next` which returns the next random number, and
`reset` which restarts the sequence.

The second part is a little trickier: creating multiple, concurrent,
_reproducible_ sequences of pseudorandom numbers isn't so easy. As
convenient as the built-in generator is, there is only one seed.

Since a single Ruby process only has one PRNG, slave off an extra
process for each Random class:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'rubygems'
require 'slave'

class Random
def initialize(ceiling, seed = nil)
@ceiling = ceiling
@seed = seed || rand(2112)
@slave = Slave::new{
lambda {|reset|
if reset

def next

def reset

require 'test/unit'

class RandomTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_001
x = Random.new(100, 2112)
assert_equal( [38, 1, 5, 57, 11], Array.new(5) { x.next })
assert_equal( [ 1, 31, 3, 56, 14], Array.new(5) { x.next })
assert_equal( [38, 1, 5, 57, 11], Array.new(5) { x.next })

def test_002
x = Random.new(100, 2112)
assert_equal( [38, 1, 5, 57, 11], Array.new(5) { x.next })
y = Random.new(100, 1221)
assert_equal( [ 5, 99, 88, 48, 86], Array.new(5) { y.next })
assert_equal( [38, 1, 5, 57, 11], Array.new(5) { x.next })
assert_equal( [34, 28, 72, 77, 87], Array.new(5) { y.next })
assert_equal( [ 1, 31, 3, 56, 14], Array.new(5) { x.next })

Loaded suite foo
Finished in 0.251163 seconds.

2 tests, 8 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors

This is probably the cleanest solution you can get without implementing
your own PRNG or mucking around in C code to copy the internal state of
the PRNG. As long as it uses fork, it shouldn't eat up RAM or anything.
The popen solution probably would if a large number of Random objects
were created.

Michael Morin
Guide to Ruby
Become an About.com Guide: beaguide.about.com
About.com is part of the New York Times Company

Bill Kelly

Here's a "cheater" solution. The sequences _are_ reproducible
via the #reset / #next API, for as long as a given instance of the
Random object remains in existence. However, independent instances
of the Random object, even if started with the same seed, won't
produce identical sequences.

Probably too stupid to post, but oh well..... :)


class Random
def initialize(ceiling=0, seed=nil)
@ceiling = ceiling
@seq = []
@idx = 0
srand(seed || (rand(0xFFFFFFFF) + 1))

def next
unless @idx < @seq.length
@seq.push( rand(@ceiling) )
@idx = @seq.length - 1

n = @seq[@idx]
@idx += 1

def reset
@idx = 0

if $0 == __FILE__

require 'test/unit'

class RandomTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_001
x = Random.new(100)
y = Random.new(1000)

xseq = Array.new(5) { x.next }
yseq = Array.new(5) { y.next }

xseq += Array.new(5) { x.next }
yseq += Array.new(5) { y.next }

assert_equal( xseq, Array.new(10) { x.next } )

assert_equal( yseq, Array.new(10) { y.next } )

xseq += Array.new(5) { x.next }
yseq += Array.new(5) { y.next }

assert_equal( xseq, Array.new(15) { x.next } )

assert_equal( yseq, Array.new(15) { y.next } )





Lars Christensen

My solution:

class Random
def initialize(n, seed = rand(2**32))
@n = n
@seed = @iseed = seed
def next
Thread.critical = true
@seed = @seed ^ rand(2**32)
val = rand(@n)
Thread.critical = false
return val
def reset
@seed = @iseed

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