Quiz summary coming later tonight


Tom Link

Where are the new quizzes being posted?
To the mailing list, and tohttp://splatbang.com/rubyquiz

It seems though that not all solutions make it to google groups.

Matthew Moss

It seems though that not all solutions make it to google groups.

Quite possible. From what I know, there are issues from time to time
with the bridge between the newsgroup and the mailing list. As far as
I've seen on the mailing list (the authority?), there has been only
one solution, from Robert Dober.

James Gray

Quite possible. From what I know, there are issues from time to time
with the bridge between the newsgroup and the mailing list.

If anyone sees a specific message that didn't make it to Google
Groups, please email me a link to the message in the mailing list
As far as I've seen on the mailing list (the authority?), there has
been only one solution, from Robert Dober.

That's all I've seen too.

James Edward Gray II

Tom Link

I've seen on the mailing list (the authority?), there has been only  
one solution, from Robert Dober.

I wasn't aware (well, I was to some extent but anyway) that there are
two versions of ruby-talk on google groups: as ruby-talk-google and as
comp.lang.ruby. For whatever reason Robert's solution isn't listed in
comp.lang.ruby, which I was subscribed to. It's listed in ruby-talk-
google though.

James Gray

For whatever reason Robert's solution isn't listed in
comp.lang.ruby, which I was subscribed to.

Interesting. I've looked into this a bit and I'm afraid I don't
really know what happened here.

There's absolutely no record of Robert's message in the gateway logs
at all. The gateway never saw the message to try to send it to

I'm guessing it wasn't successfully delivered to the gateway's
mailbox, but I've never seen that before. I have no idea what went
wrong here. Sorry. :(

James Edward Gray II

Robert Dober

My fault guys sorry!!!
I switched back to rich formating by inadvertence. That was a known
issue with gmail IIRC.

Here it goes again:
This was a nice quiz, maybe not too challenging, but as Tom put it
correctly the different codes can easily get mangled up. I have found
a solution that seems to handle the few testcases well, we will see if
it pleases ;).
My additional challenge was to make my solution work with HighLine,
Facets and Term::Ansicolor, and that is what I did :).

The solution can be found here too: http://pastie.org/333319

And to test all libraries simply type
for i in term/ansicolor facets/ansicode highline; do ruby1.9
rd-185-sol.rb -f $i; done
ruby1.9 rd-185-sol.rb

runs, transparently, with a random library of all registered


James Gray

My fault guys sorry!!!
I switched back to rich formating by inadvertence. That was a known
issue with gmail IIRC.

Actually, I don't think it was. The gateway didn't seem to see the
message at all and I have tried to improve it to handle those messages.

Something definitely went wrong here, but I don't believe it was
anything you did.
Here it goes again:

It does seem that it was gated this time. I'll try to keep an eye on
this in the future.

James Edward Gray II

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