Dave Burt
I have missed a number of quizzes while the gateway has been down, so I
thought I'd re-post this here.
An easy one - give it a shot if you're new.
The three rules of Ruby Quiz:
1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this quiz
48 hours have passed from the time on this message.
2. Support Ruby Quiz by submitting ideas as often as you can:
3. Enjoy!
Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem helps
on Ruby Talk follow the discussion.
by Matthew Moss
Now terhe is a fnial rseaon I thnik that Jsues syas, "Lvoe your
emneies." It is tihs: taht love has wtiihn it a remvpidtee pewor. And
three is a pwoer three taht eellvtanuy tfranrmsos idvlinaidus. Taht's
why Juess syas, "Love your emeeins." Bsceaue if you hate your
enmeies, you have no way to reedem and to tarfnrsom your eenmeis. But
if you love yuor emienes, you wlil decsiovr that at the vrey root of
love is the pwoer of rdoemptein. You just keep loinvg pepole and keep
lnivog tehm, even tgouhh they're mteitnsiarg you. Hree's the porsen
who is a nhoeigbr, and tihs psoren is dnoig simhoetng wrong to you and
all of that. Just keep being fnrdliey to that preosn. Keep liovng
them. Don't do atnynhig to earsmrbas tehm. Just keep lvonig them, and
they can't stand it too long. Oh, they raect in mnay ways in the
bineningg. They react wtih brnetitess beucase they're mad bauesce you
lvoe them like that. Tehy raect wtih gluit flegines, and setioemms
they'll hate you a lltite more at that tinoiasrtn piroed, but just
keep lvniog them. And by the poewr of your love tehy will beark down
uendr the load. That's lvoe, you see. It is retpmevide, and tihs is
why Juess says love. Trehe's shimeotng aubot love that blidus up and
is cavrtiee. Trehe is stmeonihg aubot hate that tares dwon and is
disettvrcue. So lvoe your eenmeis.
On first glance, the above may appear to be gibberish, but you may find
that you
can actually read this portion of a speech from Dr Martin Luther King
Jr. The
brain has an amazing capacity to compensate for things that aren't quite
and one study has shown that when the first and last letters of words
are left
alone but those in the middle are scrambled, the text is often still quite
Your task for this quiz, then, is to take a text as input and output the
text in
this fashion. Scramble each word's center (leaving the first and last
letters of
each word intact). Whitespace, punctuation, numbers -- anything that isn't a
word -- should also remain unchanged.
thought I'd re-post this here.
An easy one - give it a shot if you're new.
The three rules of Ruby Quiz:
1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this quiz
48 hours have passed from the time on this message.
2. Support Ruby Quiz by submitting ideas as often as you can:
3. Enjoy!
Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem helps
on Ruby Talk follow the discussion.
by Matthew Moss
Now terhe is a fnial rseaon I thnik that Jsues syas, "Lvoe your
emneies." It is tihs: taht love has wtiihn it a remvpidtee pewor. And
three is a pwoer three taht eellvtanuy tfranrmsos idvlinaidus. Taht's
why Juess syas, "Love your emeeins." Bsceaue if you hate your
enmeies, you have no way to reedem and to tarfnrsom your eenmeis. But
if you love yuor emienes, you wlil decsiovr that at the vrey root of
love is the pwoer of rdoemptein. You just keep loinvg pepole and keep
lnivog tehm, even tgouhh they're mteitnsiarg you. Hree's the porsen
who is a nhoeigbr, and tihs psoren is dnoig simhoetng wrong to you and
all of that. Just keep being fnrdliey to that preosn. Keep liovng
them. Don't do atnynhig to earsmrbas tehm. Just keep lvonig them, and
they can't stand it too long. Oh, they raect in mnay ways in the
bineningg. They react wtih brnetitess beucase they're mad bauesce you
lvoe them like that. Tehy raect wtih gluit flegines, and setioemms
they'll hate you a lltite more at that tinoiasrtn piroed, but just
keep lvniog them. And by the poewr of your love tehy will beark down
uendr the load. That's lvoe, you see. It is retpmevide, and tihs is
why Juess says love. Trehe's shimeotng aubot love that blidus up and
is cavrtiee. Trehe is stmeonihg aubot hate that tares dwon and is
disettvrcue. So lvoe your eenmeis.
On first glance, the above may appear to be gibberish, but you may find
that you
can actually read this portion of a speech from Dr Martin Luther King
Jr. The
brain has an amazing capacity to compensate for things that aren't quite
and one study has shown that when the first and last letters of words
are left
alone but those in the middle are scrambled, the text is often still quite
Your task for this quiz, then, is to take a text as input and output the
text in
this fashion. Scramble each word's center (leaving the first and last
letters of
each word intact). Whitespace, punctuation, numbers -- anything that isn't a
word -- should also remain unchanged.