radiobuttonlist get selected value



I have an aspx file where i've put a placeholder element. On load i create
dynamically a table which contains a checkbox and a radiobuttonlist in each
tablerow . The radiobuttonlist contains two items (yes,no). Both the
checkboxes and the radiobuttonlist are NOT autopostbacked ( .autopostback =
false). When i press the submit button a sub is run. My problem is that i can
not get the selected items in the radiobuttonlists.This is caused cos in the
page_load i call the sub that dinamically recreates the table described above
and so all values are reset (there is a rdb.item(0).selected=true line in my
code. If i try to remove it, the radiobuttons keep their values or not,after
each submit, without a pattern!). I've also tried to keep the values in a
collection, instasiated in the page_load but i couldn't do so cos the table
(that contains the checkboxes and radiobuttonlists) is not recognized at the
beggining of the page_load (i guess it's not an object yet cos the sub that
creates all that is at the end of page_load)....
Anyway...any ideas on how to get the selected item ? ? ? ?
thx a lot

Bob Barrows [MVP]

juststarter said:
I have an aspx file where i've put a placeholder element.

There was no way for you to know it, but this is a classic asp newsgroup.
While you may be lucky enough to find a dotnet-knowledgeable person here who
can answer your question, you can eliminate the luck factor by posting your
question to a group where those dotnet-knowledgeable people hang out. I
suggest microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.aspnet.
On load i
create dynamically a table

Is this an html table or a datagrid?
which contains a checkbox and a
radiobuttonlist in each tablerow . The radiobuttonlist contains two
items (yes,no). Both the checkboxes and the radiobuttonlist are NOT
autopostbacked ( .autopostback = false). When i press the submit
button a sub is run. My problem is that i can not get the selected
items in the radiobuttonlists.This is caused cos in the page_load i
call the sub that dinamically recreates the table described above and
so all values are reset (there is a rdb.item(0).selected=true line in
my code. If i try to remove it, the radiobuttons keep their values or
not,after each submit, without a pattern!). I've also tried to keep
the values in a collection, instasiated in the page_load but i
couldn't do so cos the table (that contains the checkboxes and
radiobuttonlists) is not recognized at the beggining of the page_load
(i guess it's not an object yet cos the sub that creates all that is
at the end of page_load)....
Anyway...any ideas on how to get the selected item ? ? ? ?
thx a lot

I think the answer is that you need to create these checkboxes in either the
page_init event, or in the ItemCreated event if you are creating a datagrid
instead of an html table. But you should ask in the aspnet group to be sure.

Bob Barrows
PS. It never hurts to show a little code ...


Bob, thx for your time
I'll take your advice and post the message to the correspondent newsgroup (i
didn't understand this was for ;-) )

I tried to use the page_init event but it seems not to run at all (i'm sure
i'm doing something wrong.....)
Nevertheless,i send u a piece of my code...just in case.
The table i am creating is an html one.

In html code
<asp:placeholder id="plh1" runat="server"> </asp:placeholder>

in vb code
1. create the (html) table through code

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
Dim ID as integer = Request("ID")
call addControlsInPlaceholder()
End Sub

sub addControlsInPlaceholder
'create the table
dim oTable as new table"oTable"

'first add the titles of each column
dim lb1 as new label
dim lb2 as new label

dim cell1 as new TableHeaderCell
dim cell2 as new TableHeaderCell


dim row1 as new tablerow

lb1.text= Category"
lb2.text= "isDisplayed"

'add labels to cells

'add (header) cells to row
'add header row to table

'fill the chkboxlist/radiobuttonlist(s) with items
Dim id As String
Dim subcListItem,subcListItem1,subcListItem2 As ListItem

Dim myConnection As New OdbcConnection(Application("strConnect"))
dim strSQL as string

strSQL = " SELECT ctg_id, ctg_name FROM categories ORDER BY ctg_id"
Dim myCommand As New OdbcCommand(strSQL, myConnection)
Dim myReader As OdbcDataReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader()

while myReader.Read()
'create new Row for the table
dim oRow as new tableRow
'create 2 cells for the row
dim oCell1 as new tableCell
dim oCell2 as new tableCell


'create checkbox and add it cell1 (the first cell of each row)
dim chkboxlist as new checkbox = "categories_" & myReader.Item("ctg_id").ToString


'create radiobuttonlist and add it cell2 (the second cell of each row)
dim rdbDisplayed as new radiobuttonlist
rdbDisplayed.RepeatDirection=repeatdirection.Horizontal"cs_isDisplayed_" & myReader.Item("ctg_id").ToString

'add items in radiobuttonlists
subcListItem1 = New ListItem
subcListItem1.Text = "yes"
subcListItem1.Value = "1"

subcListItem2 = New ListItem
subcListItem2.Text = "no"
subcListItem2.Value = "0"


'add cells to row

'add row to table
'increase counter i, to create new row
i = i +1

end while
'add table to placeholder


end sub

3. when the submit button is pressed ,i try something like

private sub submit_pressed

dim otable as new table
dim tr as new tablerow
dim tc as new tablecell
dim chk as checkbox
dim i,displayed as int16
dim rdbDisplayed,rdbAdult as radiobuttonlist

otable = ctype((plh1.controls(0)),table) 'plh1 is the placeholder in the
html code

for i = 1 to otable.rows.count-1

tr = otable.controls(i)
tc = tr.controls(0)
'tc.control(0) is a checkbox
chk = tc.controls(0)

'table cell
tc = tr.controls(1)
'tc.ctontrol(1) is a radiobuttonlist
rdbDisplayed = tc.controls(0)
'the following always returns item(0) cos addControlsInPlaceholder has
already run before submit_pressed is engaged
displayed = rdbDisplayed.selecteditem.value
if chk.checked = true then
'show displayed
end if


end sub

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