Giles Bowkett
Bit heretical but I'm kinda flagging on doing Rails day in and day
out. Two questions if anybody's interested - What are people working
on in Ruby that doesn't Rails? Or, what in Rails is interesting and
exciting to more experienced programmers with perspective etc.?
So far the most interesting not-Rails Ruby projects I'm aware of are
Rubinius, Shoes, RubyCocoa, and Adhearsion. Other cool stuff going on?
Bonus points if the Web isn't even remotely involved. Huge bonus
points if robots or psychedelic visuals are.
Giles Bowkett
Podcast: http://hollywoodgrit.blogspot.com
Blog: http://gilesbowkett.blogspot.com
Portfolio: http://www.gilesgoatboy.org
Tumblelog: http://giles.tumblr.com
out. Two questions if anybody's interested - What are people working
on in Ruby that doesn't Rails? Or, what in Rails is interesting and
exciting to more experienced programmers with perspective etc.?
So far the most interesting not-Rails Ruby projects I'm aware of are
Rubinius, Shoes, RubyCocoa, and Adhearsion. Other cool stuff going on?
Bonus points if the Web isn't even remotely involved. Huge bonus
points if robots or psychedelic visuals are.
Giles Bowkett
Podcast: http://hollywoodgrit.blogspot.com
Blog: http://gilesbowkett.blogspot.com
Portfolio: http://www.gilesgoatboy.org
Tumblelog: http://giles.tumblr.com