I'm exploring learning RoR, then using it for a new start project. Been
reading allot of RoR comparisons to Java.... I'm not formally educated in
enterprise client/server and have some Q's regarding some of what I've read.
1. Two-phase commit: The general tone I read was "if you need a two-phase
commit, use Java." What is a two-phase commit? When/Why/Where would I want
it? Since I lived without it so far, I think I'm OK now, but I like to plan
projects with potential for future growth. If someday I did have a business
case for 2-phase commit, could I do something in RoR to meet that need?
2. Can you scaffold in updatable views? I haven't delved into code yet,
which might answer this Q. The reading so far indicates RoR CRUD is table
centric. Was wondering if a updatable view was interchangable with tables.
3. User CRUD roles... are they best maintained by RoR, or by the db?
reading allot of RoR comparisons to Java.... I'm not formally educated in
enterprise client/server and have some Q's regarding some of what I've read.
1. Two-phase commit: The general tone I read was "if you need a two-phase
commit, use Java." What is a two-phase commit? When/Why/Where would I want
it? Since I lived without it so far, I think I'm OK now, but I like to plan
projects with potential for future growth. If someday I did have a business
case for 2-phase commit, could I do something in RoR to meet that need?
2. Can you scaffold in updatable views? I haven't delved into code yet,
which might answer this Q. The reading so far indicates RoR CRUD is table
centric. Was wondering if a updatable view was interchangable with tables.
3. User CRUD roles... are they best maintained by RoR, or by the db?