Random Numbers and a thought


A Evans

I am looking at building a program in python that takes computer generated
random sets of numbers and tries to solve the pattern I would like it to
extend into complex math as many random numbers as possible

I guess this is similiar to a key generator but thats not what I am going
for I am not trying to hack software

What complex functions and programming would I need to understand in python
before building something like this

Thank You

Peter Hansen

A said:
I am looking at building a program in python that takes computer generated
random sets of numbers and tries to solve the pattern I would like it to
extend into complex math as many random numbers as possible

What "pattern" are you talking about?

A Evans

What "pattern" are you talking about?

Well from what I understand about my last post numbers computers generate
aren't truly random

Quote from the link you gave me

Computers are deterministic. They cannot create a truly random sequence in
which we cannot predict even if we know all preceding elements - it may be
a bit of work for us to actually sit down and do the figuring, but it is
always possible.

I would like to take a random number generated by a computer application
then use my application to try and determine the pattern in that application

Quote me if its impossible

Basically I would like to create an application that takes a series of
random numbers generated by a computer and searches for the pattern inside
those numbers

Sorry if I sound like I am repeating myself but I am just trying to explain
myself to the best of my ability

I guess if the numbers were between say 1 and 1000 it would take 1000 inputs
to understand the pattern if not more I would like to solve it before that


Kirk Strauser

Hash: SHA1

A Evans said:
Well from what I understand about my last post numbers computers generate
aren't truly random

That is absolutely true. However, the periodicity will be measured in
values like "2^128".
it may be a bit of work for us to actually sit down and do the figuring,
but it is always possible.

Not true. First, although computers aren't truly random, a good
cryptographic pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) collects "entropy pools"
to mix the results of the output sequence. The unmixed sequence is more
scattered than you could ever possibly hope to crack with a computer built
by civilians.
Basically I would like to create an application that takes a series of
random numbers generated by a computer and searches for the pattern inside
those numbers

So would the National Security Agency.
I guess if the numbers were between say 1 and 1000 it would take 1000
inputs to understand the pattern if not more I would like to solve it
before that

Not enough close. Sorry.
- --
Kirk Strauser
The Strauser Group
Open. Solutions. Simple.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


Peter Hansen

A said:
I would like to take a random number generated by a computer application
then use my application to try and determine the pattern in that application

Quote me if its impossible


Reading what's at the first link alone should discourage you. :)

As Kirk indicated, it's basically not possible for any decent random
number generator. The fourth link has some pointers on doing it
for poor generators (such as the traditional linear congruential one)
by doing things like high dimensional graphing and finding lattice
structures (to paraphrase that page).

This is the sort of stuff where one should go to university and then
look into as part of one's PhD thesis...



Yeah, this is not really a python question at all... go ask on sci.math or
comp.programming and have people discourage and flame you there. : )


Peter Hansen

Moosebumps said:
Yeah, this is not really a python question at all... go ask on sci.math or
comp.programming and have people discourage and flame you there. : )

Was anyone flaming anyone here?

Mel Wilson

Basically I would like to create an application that takes a series of
random numbers generated by a computer and searches for the pattern inside
those numbers [ ... ]
I guess if the numbers were between say 1 and 1000 it would take 1000 inputs
to understand the pattern if not more I would like to solve it before that

The canonical reference is Donald E. Knuth, _The Art of
Computer Programming_, vol.II "Seminumerical Algorithms",
probably from page 38. If you have the time and
inclination, it should be fun, at least at the start.

Good Luck. Mel.

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