What is the difference between range and precision in c? Also, if c
doesn't support fixed point numbers, how is the addition of two
integers possible?
I suspect your question is about floating point numbers but for
completeness, range also applies to integers.
For integer types, the range is the set of values between the minimum
and maximum allowable values, inclusive. The standard provides a set
of macros so your code has access to these values (e.g., INT_MIN and
INT_MAX for int). Each of these values is represented exactly.
For floating point types, the range is the smallest and largest
allowable positive values plus the corresponding negative values plus
0.. But not all values in this range can be represented.
Since different systems use different representations and
since binary is not intuitively obvious in this regard, let's consider
a system where a floating point value is represented by a signed two
decimal digit exponent (base 10) and a signed four decimal digit
mantissa with an implied decimal point before the first mantissa
digit. Using ^ for exponentiation like the math newsgroups do, the
largest value that can be represented is 9999*10^99 and the smallest
positive value is 0001*10^-99. The range, expressed in normal
scientific notation, is 1.0*10^-103 to 9.999*10^98.
If you attempt to multiply 1024 (represented as 1024*10^4) by
itself, instead of 1048576, you get 1048*10^7 (or perhaps 1049
depending on how rounding is performed). Similarly, you cannot
represent 1/3 exactly on this system. You have to settle for
3333*10^0. You also end up with non-arithmetic results such as
10,000+1 == 10,000. The system is limited to four digits of precision
even though the range spans 200 orders of magnitude.
When you consider the binary techniques actually used, the problem is
compounded since "simple" decimal values such as 10.1 cannot be
represented exactly. Again, the standard provides a set of macros so
your code can know what the limits are (e.g., DBL_DIG, decimal digits
of precision, and DBL_EPSILON, the smallest number which when added to
1.0 produces a result greater than 1.0).
You might look up the differences between precision, significance, and
accuracy in a math reference.
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