RCRchive Rails Error



There seems to be a problem with RCRchive. It reports a Rails Error
whem posting, even though it does seem to work anyway despite it. --It
cuased me to accidently post an RCR twice.



There seems to be a problem with RCRchive. It reports a Rails Error whem
posting, even though it does seem to work anyway despite it. --It cuased me
to accidently post an RCR twice.

you must really want it ;-)

| email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
| phone :: 303.497.6469
| anything that contradicts experience and logic should be abandoned.
| -- h.h. the 14th dalai lama


Trans said:
There seems to be a problem with RCRchive. It reports a Rails Error
whem posting, even though it does seem to work anyway despite it. --It
cuased me to accidently post an RCR twice.

Like the suggestion but is there any chance of a version in English? :)

This might be a very useful addition but you might want to introduce it
in terms of "ask what AOP can do for you" and then expand on/offer pointers
to the theory later on. Otherwise it will just seem like so much Java
Enterprise Development Hype Of The Month. Code section is good.

You know, something zippy and synergic. Best-of-breed even.

Also, you might want to explore how the (sort-of-) announced new features
of pre/post/around-hooks, Traits and selector namespaces will affect and
intermingle with this design.



ES said:
Also, you might want to explore how the (sort-of-) announced new features
of pre/post/around-hooks, Traits and selector namespaces will affect and
intermingle with this design.

Funny, Matz tosses out some concepts in a keynote on the 15th and I
should be mentioning them in a RCR finshed on the 14th? ;)

Although I did mention hooks. Hooks can be implemented on top of
cut-based AOP very easily. Traits are interesting, in fact I propose
something quite similar in this RCR as Dynamic Module Revision.
"Traits" would be even better though. ("traits" is such a loose word
these days!). As for selector namespaces, that's one of our favorite
topics over on suby channel :) But they're a whole nother ballpark, b/c
they have much deep effects on the system (i.e. it has to be even more
dynamic!). In a sense though, if one could add and remove cuts on the
fly, then you'd have selector namespaces.


David A. Black

Hi --

There seems to be a problem with RCRchive. It reports a Rails Error
whem posting, even though it does seem to work anyway despite it. --It
cuased me to accidently post an RCR twice.

I'll look into it, though last time stuff like this happened (errors
on every second access to the site) I failed to figure out what was
wrong. I thought I'd fixed it by upgrading Rails, but I guess not.


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