ES said:
Also, you might want to explore how the (sort-of-) announced new features
of pre/post/around-hooks, Traits and selector namespaces will affect and
intermingle with this design.
Funny, Matz tosses out some concepts in a keynote on the 15th and I
should be mentioning them in a RCR finshed on the 14th?
Although I did mention hooks. Hooks can be implemented on top of
cut-based AOP very easily. Traits are interesting, in fact I propose
something quite similar in this RCR as Dynamic Module Revision.
"Traits" would be even better though. ("traits" is such a loose word
these days!). As for selector namespaces, that's one of our favorite
topics over on suby channel
But they're a whole nother ballpark, b/c
they have much deep effects on the system (i.e. it has to be even more
dynamic!). In a sense though, if one could add and remove cuts on the
fly, then you'd have selector namespaces.