ALuPin said:try:
add wave sim:/tb_packetfile_ctrl/u1/*
or from the gui:
view,structure,right-click on u1, add, add to wave
If that doesn't do it, the signal is not there.
Wait a minute. You are siming a netlist, not source code.
This may be the reason last_block is gone.
Compile the source files and try
-- Mike Treseler
In old archives I found this thread, started from ALuPin.
I think I have the same problem when trying to "add wave" internal
signals with ModelSim. Going through several trials it looks like is not
possible to add wave of a netlist, unless is a port of the hierarchy.
But then I realized there is a -internal option I assumed was for this
purpose, but it didn't work at all, or at least I didn't manage to make
it work.
Then if I go to the Workspace and look for the signals, I find some of
them are shown in one way some others in another:
When I type:
add wave /mytest/dut/mysignal2
nothing happens. But if I do write
add wave /mytest/dut/mysignal2/q
the q of the flip-flop is shown on the wave. This is based (i think) on
the fact that can be shown only component's port of a netlist (is that
The same approach doesn't work for mysignal1, because of these backslash
that i do not understand. It looks like the backslash are inserted on
vectors, but I'm not pretty sure, then if I browse for the vector in the
workspace I find something like this:
but how can I add them to the wave from command line? using wildcards do
not help. This is my trials log, where count1_in is a std_logic_vector
(7 downto 0):
add wave -internal /test_counter/dut/count1_in/q
# (vish-4014) No objects found matching '/test_counter/dut/count1_in/q'.
add wave -internal /test_counter/dut/count1_in*/q
# (vish-4014) No objects found matching '/test_counter/dut/count1_in*/q'.
add wave -internal /test_counter/dut/\count1_in*\/q
# (vish-4014) No objects found matching '/test_counter/dut/count1_in*/q'.
add wave -internal /test_counter/dut/\count1_in[0]\/q
# invalid command name "0"
Moreover the option -internal looks to seem useless.
Any suggestions?
Thanks a lot