W. D. said:
Many, many thanks for all your help!!!! You have helped me trudge
along in this project.
Right now I am stumped on some fairly simple C code that
initializes a packed struct/record:
memset(&PackedStruct, 0, sizeof(PackedStruct));
Does anyone have some idea how to do this in Delphi?
Many thanks to Stephen Posey!...who suggested:
FillChar(PackedStruct, SizeOf(TPackedStruct), 0);
Now I am stumped again with a 'new' dynamic allocation
PackedStruct.maindata = new uint8[MAX_DATA_LEN];
I looked around: in the Help file, here:
and other places on the 'Net, but not sure
what to do. Can this statement be done on
one line in Delphi?
FYI, the RECORD type looks similar to this:
Packed_Struct = PACKED record
soh: UINT8;
Data_Type: UINT8;
Data_Size: UINT16;
maindata: UINT8;
// In the C++ code there is something like:
// Packed_Struct()
// ~Packed_Struct()
// Are these by chance constructor and destructor?
// If so, would this code make sense: