Niv (KP)
I have an interface to a set of identical ADC's, the number of which
is set by a generic "N", (range of 1 to 16)
All are triggered & sampled in parallel, so only one clock & enable
generated, but "N" data paths back
I have to read the vectors over a CPU bus one at a time.
As the number of vectors is generic dependant, how to I code the case
statement for the reads.
CASE address IS
WHEN "0000" => read_bus <= adc_bus(0);
WHEN "0001" => read_bus <= adc_bus(1);
-- etc
What I want to do is loop on 0 to (N-1 ) on the CASE satement.
The only way I can think of is to create an array 16 wide of (31
downto 0), default assign all to '0's
then in a loop of 0 to (N- 1) assign this new array to the incoming
I then code the case statement so it has all 16 possible states, and
reads this new array one slice at a time.
Software can decide how to read depending on the actual number of ADCs
Is there a better way? (Not used arrays of vectors with generic ports
etc before, if you hadn't already guessed)!
I could hard code the whole lot for a fixed number of ADC's very
easily, but RE_USE is key at the moment.
TIA, Niv.
is set by a generic "N", (range of 1 to 16)
All are triggered & sampled in parallel, so only one clock & enable
generated, but "N" data paths back
I have to read the vectors over a CPU bus one at a time.
As the number of vectors is generic dependant, how to I code the case
statement for the reads.
CASE address IS
WHEN "0000" => read_bus <= adc_bus(0);
WHEN "0001" => read_bus <= adc_bus(1);
-- etc
What I want to do is loop on 0 to (N-1 ) on the CASE satement.
The only way I can think of is to create an array 16 wide of (31
downto 0), default assign all to '0's
then in a loop of 0 to (N- 1) assign this new array to the incoming
I then code the case statement so it has all 16 possible states, and
reads this new array one slice at a time.
Software can decide how to read depending on the actual number of ADCs
Is there a better way? (Not used arrays of vectors with generic ports
etc before, if you hadn't already guessed)!
I could hard code the whole lot for a fixed number of ADC's very
easily, but RE_USE is key at the moment.
TIA, Niv.