Dave said:
If you're tossing images that are too _small_, is there any benefit to
not downloading the whole image, checking it, and then throwing it away?
Its a 'webscraper' app that downloads images based on search criteria.
The user may want only images above 640x480, although the general case
will be something like 200x200 to avoid downloading thumbnails
Checking just the first 1K probably won't save you too much time unless
you're over a modem. Are you using a byte-range HTTP request to pull
down the images or just a normal GET (via e.g. urllib)? If you're not
using a byte-range request, then all of the data is already on its way
so maybe you could go ahead and get it all.
I'm not familiar with byte-range requests. Is this a standard feature of
webservers? I know there will be more that one K in the pipeline if I do
a read, but if I close the file object from urllib it will stop the
download if there is data remaining - wont it?
But hey, if your current approach works...
It _is_ a bit
unconventional, so to reduce the risk you could test it on a decent mix
of image types (normal JPEG, progressive JPEG, normal & progressive GIF,
png, etc.) - just to make sure PIL is able to handle partial data for
all different types you might encounter.
Also, if PIL can't handle the partial data, can you reliably detect that
scenario? If so, you could detect that case and use the
download-it-all-and-check approach as a failsafe.
The PIL code worked with most of the images I threw at it (just jpegs),
if there was no 'size' attribute then I just continue to download the
entire image. It may have caused a memory leak though, with this code in
memory usage increased continuously..
Actualy, this may all be moot now. Originally I looked at reading the
image dimensions from the jpeg header, but that turned out to be
non-trivial and I gave up. Fortunately I found some Perl code that does
it, and converted it to Python (and I dont even know Perl!). Here's the
code if anyone is interested..
import struct
def GetJpegSize(data):
idata = iter(data)
width = None
height = None
B1 = ord(idata.next())
B2 = ord(idata.next())
if B1 != 0xFF or B2 != 0xD8:
return -1, -1
while True:
byte = ord(idata.next())
while byte != 0xFF:
byte = ord(idata.next())
while byte == 0xFF:
byte = ord(idata.next())
if byte >= 0xc0 and byte <= 0xc3:
height, width = struct.unpack( '>HH',
"".join(idata.next() for b in range(4)) )
offset = struct.unpack('>H', idata.next() +
idata.next())[0] - 2
for _ in xrange(offset):
except StopIteration:
return width, height
if __name__ == "__main__":
first_k = file("test.jpg","rb").read(1024)
print GetJpegSize(first_k)
Returns (-1, -1) for a non-jpeg, or (None, None) if the size wasn't
contained in the data supplied (some jpegs have embedded thumbnails), or
(width, height) if the dimensions were found.
And the original source: