I have a text file that is somewhat structured. I can get the "first"
line from the file but not the others. I am not sure how to read all
the lines at the same time. If I check ($count % 8) == 2, I can get
the second lines, but I coundn't figuire out how to check it in the
same while loop.
use strict;
my $count = 0 ;
while(<DATA>) {
$count++ ;
if ( $count % 8 == 1) {
print "Title: $count $_ \n"; }
This is a title
This is a place
This is time
This is Age
This is Desciption
This is Title2
This is Place2
This is Time2
This is Age2
This is Description2
line from the file but not the others. I am not sure how to read all
the lines at the same time. If I check ($count % 8) == 2, I can get
the second lines, but I coundn't figuire out how to check it in the
same while loop.
use strict;
my $count = 0 ;
while(<DATA>) {
$count++ ;
if ( $count % 8 == 1) {
print "Title: $count $_ \n"; }
This is a title
This is a place
This is time
This is Age
This is Desciption
This is Title2
This is Place2
This is Time2
This is Age2
This is Description2