"Required: Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher...40MB free disk
space and 32MB free RAM..."
Seems a bit big. Does it take all that to read MathML? If a browser is
XML enabled, I thought it just took the appropriate style sheets and
I think that's for the full math editing suite isn't it? The viewer
applet is much smaller. If you just look at the page I mentioned last
time it downloads on to your browser in the usual applet way. It doesn't
really take any installation space.
"xml enabled" might mean just having an xml parser, but you have to have
some basic math formating capability built in to a renderer, eg for
laying out fractions or stretching brackets around a matrix. Mozilla
browsers include this but IE, even on the desktop does not and needs an
extension. Usual recommendation is MathPlayer but that doesn't work in