Thanks for the help obnoxious.
Reading in the rest of the line with "getline" worked great and now
the averages work.
Now for the new problem. Program on first run works flawlessly.
Next runs enter in some data I don;t know what instead of the data in
the file. Tried closing and opening file again, but it's not working.
using namespace std;
int main()
ifstream inFile;
int months = 1;
char quest;
int x, y, z;
float avg = 0, data;
string dummy_string_buffer;
if (!inFile)
cerr << "Error Opening File" << endl;
system ("pause");
return 1;
while (months >= 1 && months <= 12)
cout << "Please enter the number of months/year to be averaged: ";
cin >> months;
cout << "Year/" << endl;
cout << " /Month";
for (x = 1; x <= months; x++) //prints out number of months header
cout << setw(4) << x;
} // end of for loop #1
cout << " Avg\n" << endl ;
for (y = 1; y <= 10; y++) // loop for 10 years of rain fall data
cout << setw(2)<< y << " ";
for (z = 1; z <= months; z++) // loop for (x)months of rain fall
inFile >> data;
cout << setw(4) << data << setw(4);
avg = data + avg;
} // end of for loop #3
getline(inFile, dummy_string_buffer); // Gets a line
from the file and stores it in dummy_string_buffer
// cout << dummy_string_buffer;
cout <<": " << setw(2) << static_cast<int>(avg/
cout << " inches\n";
} //end of for loop #2
cout << "Do you want to do it again? (y/n";
cin >> quest;
if (quest == 'n'){
system ("cls"); //clears screen
// inFile.open("input4.txt");
//data =0;
//if (!inFile)
//cerr << "Error Opening File" << endl;
//system ("pause");
//return 1;
// }
} //end of else
} //end of while loop
system ("pause");
return 0;
Reading in the rest of the line with "getline" worked great and now
the averages work.
Now for the new problem. Program on first run works flawlessly.
Next runs enter in some data I don;t know what instead of the data in
the file. Tried closing and opening file again, but it's not working.
using namespace std;
int main()
ifstream inFile;
int months = 1;
char quest;
int x, y, z;
float avg = 0, data;
string dummy_string_buffer;
if (!inFile)
cerr << "Error Opening File" << endl;
system ("pause");
return 1;
while (months >= 1 && months <= 12)
cout << "Please enter the number of months/year to be averaged: ";
cin >> months;
cout << "Year/" << endl;
cout << " /Month";
for (x = 1; x <= months; x++) //prints out number of months header
cout << setw(4) << x;
} // end of for loop #1
cout << " Avg\n" << endl ;
for (y = 1; y <= 10; y++) // loop for 10 years of rain fall data
cout << setw(2)<< y << " ";
for (z = 1; z <= months; z++) // loop for (x)months of rain fall
inFile >> data;
cout << setw(4) << data << setw(4);
avg = data + avg;
} // end of for loop #3
getline(inFile, dummy_string_buffer); // Gets a line
from the file and stores it in dummy_string_buffer
// cout << dummy_string_buffer;
cout <<": " << setw(2) << static_cast<int>(avg/
cout << " inches\n";
} //end of for loop #2
cout << "Do you want to do it again? (y/n";
cin >> quest;
if (quest == 'n'){
system ("cls"); //clears screen
// inFile.open("input4.txt");
//data =0;
//if (!inFile)
//cerr << "Error Opening File" << endl;
//system ("pause");
//return 1;
// }
} //end of else
} //end of while loop
system ("pause");
return 0;