words = ['-', 'cm', 'mm', 'ml']
@var = TkVariable.new()
minuteOptionMenu = TkOptionMenubutton.new(
detailViewFrm, @var, *words) {
width 1
}.grid('column'=>1, 'row'=>0, 'sticky'=>'w', 'padx'=>5)
I was wondering something...what is the way that you can check what
is chosen from the menu
I have two suggestions.
1. Google on 'tkoptionmenubutton'. You will find many interesting and
useful URLs.
2. Read and, better yet, run and experiment with the following example.
#! /usr/bin/ruby -w
require 'tk'
URAND_ARG_ERR = "Arguments not valid for urand"
# Return a pseudo-random number in the range 0.0...1.0, 0...m, or m..n.
def urand(m=0, n=nil)
case m
when Range
m, n = m.begin, m.end
when Integer
return rand(m) if n.nil?
raise ArgumentError, URAND_ARG_ERR
raise ArgumentError, URAND_ARG_ERR if n < m
m + rand(n - m + 1)
root = Tk.root
root.title('Ruby/Tk Canvas Demo')
opt_choices = ["Square", "Circle", "Scribble", "Geometry"]
opt_chosen = TkVariable.new
opt_btn = TkOptionMenubutton.new(root, opt_chosen, *opt_choices)
canvas = TkCanvas.new(root) {
relief 'solid'
borderwidth 1

@shape, opt_chosen)
canvas.pack('fill'=>'both', 'expand'=>true, 'padx'=>20, 'pady'=>10)
def canvas.draw(e)
# Argument e is the Button-1 click event.
case @shape.value
when "Square"
ds = 50
top_lf = e.x - ds, e.y - ds
btm_rt = e.x + ds, e.y + ds
TkcRectangle.new(self, top_lf, btm_rt) { width 2 }
when "Circle"
r = 50
top_lf = e.x - r, e.y - r
btm_rt = e.x + r, e.y + r
TkcOval.new(self, top_lf, btm_rt) { width 2 }
when "Scribble"
# Closed curve statistically centered at the cursor.
dx, dy = 100, 100
pts = []
5.times { pts << [e.x + urand(-dx, dx), e.y + urand(-dy, dy)] }
pts << pts.first
TkcLine.new(self, pts) {
width 2
smooth true
when "Geometry"
# Report the geometry of the window.
# Text is drawn centered at the cursor.
TkcText.new(self, e.x, e.y) { text "#{Tk.root.geometry}" }
def canvas.clear
# Draw a shape by clicking the left mouse button in the canvas.
canvas.bind('Button-1') { |e| canvas.draw(e) }
# Canvas can be cleared by pressing forward or backward delete key.
ve = TkVirtualEvent.new
ve.add('Key-Delete', 'Key-BackSpace')
canvas.bind(ve) { canvas.clear }
root.bind('Command-q') { root.destroy }
min_w, min_h = 300, 300
root.minsize(min_w, min_h)
root_x = (root.winfo_screenwidth - min_w) / 2
Regards, Morton