Readline doesn't work no matter what I do


Hee-Seng Kye

I've spent hours reading the related threads at the ruby-talk archive and
trying all the suggestions, and still can't get Readline work under irb.

I just installed Ruby 1.8.2 on Mac OS X 10.3.7. During irb session, when I
arrow-up to get the previously executed command, as you would on your Unix
shell, I get the following:

irb(main):001:0> 3 + 4
=> 7
irb(main):002:0> ^[[A <= when I arrow-up

Is there a way to configure irb so that I get the following:

irb(main):001:0> 3 + 4
=> 7
irb(main):002:0> 3 + 4 <= when I arrow-up

I've installed Readline 5.0 and made a proper symlink (thanks to Thomas for
the suggestion), and I'm still having the same problem!!!

I would highly appreciate it if anyone could let me know what needs to be

Thank you.


I've spent hours reading the related threads at the ruby-talk archive and
trying all the suggestions, and still can't get Readline work under irb.

Have you tried starting irb as "irb --readline" ?

Or, inside irb, enter "require 'irb/completion' "
I seem to recollect something similar working for me on Windows some time ago.


Hee-Seng Kye

Have you tried starting irb as "irb --readline" ?
Or, inside irb, enter "require 'irb/completion' "
I seem to recollect something similar working for me on Windows some time ago.


Thanks for replying!!! Yes, I've tried both methods, and still with no
luck. It's not big a deal but still frustrating.

Anyone in this list working on Mac OS x and having a similar problem? I've
tried everything I can, but it's not going anywhere...

Dick Davies

* Hee-Seng Kye said:
Thanks for replying!!! Yes, I've tried both methods, and still with no
luck. It's not big a deal but still frustrating.

Anyone in this list working on Mac OS x and having a similar problem? I've
tried everything I can, but it's not going anywhere...

I had this trouble on netbsd2.
Did you build the ruby readline extension when you built the source?


ruby -rreadline -e '1'

give an error?)

If so you might need to go into


under your ruby source directory and try :

ruby extconf.rb
make/make install

Hee-Seng Kye

If so you might need to go into

under your ruby source directory and try :

ruby extconf.rb
make/make install

Thank you so much!!! That's *exactly* what I wanted to know!!! It's
working perfectly now!!! Thanks X 100000!!!!!

Hee-Seng Kye

I had this trouble on netbsd2.
Did you build the ruby readline extension when you built the source?

Hi Dick,

I had one more question. If I build Ruby from the source, which I did, do I
always need to build extensions in the 'ext' folder separately? Is there a
way to have everything in the 'ext' folder built when I build Ruby in the
first place?

Thanks again for getting me out of this pure frustration!!!

Dick Davies

* Hee-Seng Kye said:
Hi Dick,

I had one more question. If I build Ruby from the source, which I did, do I
always need to build extensions in the 'ext' folder separately? Is there a
way to have everything in the 'ext' folder built when I build Ruby in the
first place?

I don't think so, just for some reason the readline extension did'nt find
your readline lib when you last built it.

on netbsd it's because I I have readline in /usr/pkg and I suspect the
ruby build does'nt look there...

Ralf Müller

Hi Dick,

I had one more question. If I build Ruby from the source, which I did, do I
always need to build extensions in the 'ext' folder separately? Is there a
way to have everything in the 'ext' folder built when I build Ruby in the
first place?

Thanks again for getting me out of this pure frustration!!!

there is a file 'ext/Setup' in which you can choose your favorite extension (readline,win32,...)


Hee-Seng Kye

Thanks Dick and Ralf! It's all very clear now! It was my first time
compiling a language, so I was much confused... Thanks!

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