Because it makes a perfectly sensible sequence of remarks
hard to follow, that's why.
Why do people dislike it so much?
Top-posting: Writing a response before rather than after
the text being responded to.
Please name a bad habit that Usenet readers dislike.
(I've rearranged your top-posting for better readability;
please don't make it necessary again.)
Jonathan Shan wrote On 07/21/06 16:24,:
Eric said:
Jonathan Shan wrote On 07/21/06 15:42,:
Is there any reason realloc would just hang without producing any error
No "good" reason, but plenty of "bad" ones. [...]
Since it sounds as though realloc() may be in an
infinite loop, I'd be particularly suspicious of double-
freeing: releasing the same memory pointer twice. [...]
free() function is not used in the program.
If realloc() decides to "move" a piece of allocated
memory, it allocates a new piece and "frees" the old one.
So even if you never call the free() function, you may be
"free"ing memory anyhow.
The memory is allocated
using malloc(). Then this pointer is passed around (by reference)
through several functions until it reaches a function called insert.
Inside insert function is a realloc() to increase the length of the
array. I have specifically checked for the address of pointer that is
being passed into realloc. It is "correct", as in it matches the
original address when declared initially.
That in itself is somewhat suspicious. If you allocate
a piece of memory and then expand it a few times with realloc(),
there is no reason to believe the memory will still be in the
same place: realloc() may have allocated a new memory area,
copied the old contents into it, and freed the original. But
if you are just handing the same, unaltered pointer around,
that pointer is no longer valid. If you hand that same pointer
to realloc() a second time, after the memory it formerly pointed
to has been freed, that is just as bad as calling free() twice
on the same memory area.
The strangest part is that inside each function nothing is happening to
the original array. It is just simply being passed around. I have
created simpler code which works correctly. The difference between the
working and non-working code is just some functions, declarations, ...
which don't touch the array.
I'm not saying that your problem *is* a double-free, just
that the symptom is suggestive of that cause. It could perfectly
well be a "wild pointer" or "buffer overrun" issue; such errors
have a nasty habit of changing their behavior when you make
"unrelated" changes to the program -- add a printf() and a bug
suddenly appears in a completely different part of the program,
add another printf() to help track it down and the bug vanishes
again ... Errors of this kind are sometimes called "Heisenbugs"
because the observer affects the observed. And because of their
changeable symptoms, they can be bloody murder to track down ...
I'd suggest that you do a really thorough check for double-
freeing (the symptom is highly suggestive), but if that's not
the problem you'll have to work even harder. Posting some code
snippets (complete, compilable, and concise) might draw some
helpful ideas, too. Good luck!