Phil Tomson
Weird stuff ahead. I'm making (actually, remaking) a DSL. I'm re-visioning
RHDL to take more advantage of metaprogramming tricks.
So I'd like the user to be able to declare a logic gate like so:
class AndGate < RHDL
inputs :a, :b
inouts :bus
outputs :a_and_b
define_behavior {
puts "Inside of define_behavior: a is: #{a}, b is: #{b}"
a_and_b = a & b
And then the user should be able to instantiate an AndGate like so:
andg = AndGate.instance() #optional args
The 'inputs', 'inouts' and 'outputs' methods create accessors for the signals
at the class level so that they are then accessable in the block passed to
Here's some of the background from the RHDL class:
class RHDL
class << self
def instance(*args) #clones this class.
puts "instance:self is: #{self}"
klass = self.clone
puts "klass.class is: #{klass.class}"
def define_behavior(&b)
@__behavior = b
puts "@behavior.class is: #{@__behavior.class}"
def behavior
def run
puts "in #{self}::run"
puts "a is: #{a}, b is: #{b} "
def inports
@__inports ||=[]
def inoutports
@__inoutports ||=[]
def outports
@__outports ||=[]
def create_accessor str
instance_eval "def #{str}=(val); puts \"self is: #{self}\"; @#{str} =
val; end"
instance_eval "def #{str}; @#{str} ||=0; end"
def inputs *in_syms
in_syms.each {|input|
inports << Port.new(input.to_s)
create_accessor input
#... outputs, inouts, etc.
Of course, the problem is in the block passed to the define_behavior method.
It's defined within the context of the AndGate class definition above, so if
we clone the AndGate class itself we find that the behavior is still determined
by the context of the original AndGate class.
So If I do:
AndGate.a=1; AndGate.b=1
AndGate.run #=> 1
a = AndGate.instance()
a.a=0; a.b=0
a.run #=> 1 (but should be 0; this is because the block is still evaluated
in the context of AndGate class, not the clone of AndGate)
So when the AndGate class is cloned, is there a way to unbind the proc in the
class' @__behavior class inst var and rebind it in the context of the new
cloned class? (kind of what can be done with methods and UnboundMethod)
[I realize there are probably other ways to do this where this wouldn't be an
issue (use a method instead of a proc, for example) but I'm trying to maintain
compatibility with the backend simulation guts of the current RHDL system.]
RHDL to take more advantage of metaprogramming tricks.
So I'd like the user to be able to declare a logic gate like so:
class AndGate < RHDL
inputs :a, :b
inouts :bus
outputs :a_and_b
define_behavior {
puts "Inside of define_behavior: a is: #{a}, b is: #{b}"
a_and_b = a & b
And then the user should be able to instantiate an AndGate like so:
andg = AndGate.instance() #optional args
The 'inputs', 'inouts' and 'outputs' methods create accessors for the signals
at the class level so that they are then accessable in the block passed to
Here's some of the background from the RHDL class:
class RHDL
class << self
def instance(*args) #clones this class.
puts "instance:self is: #{self}"
klass = self.clone
puts "klass.class is: #{klass.class}"
def define_behavior(&b)
@__behavior = b
puts "@behavior.class is: #{@__behavior.class}"
def behavior
def run
puts "in #{self}::run"
puts "a is: #{a}, b is: #{b} "
def inports
@__inports ||=[]
def inoutports
@__inoutports ||=[]
def outports
@__outports ||=[]
def create_accessor str
instance_eval "def #{str}=(val); puts \"self is: #{self}\"; @#{str} =
val; end"
instance_eval "def #{str}; @#{str} ||=0; end"
def inputs *in_syms
in_syms.each {|input|
inports << Port.new(input.to_s)
create_accessor input
#... outputs, inouts, etc.
Of course, the problem is in the block passed to the define_behavior method.
It's defined within the context of the AndGate class definition above, so if
we clone the AndGate class itself we find that the behavior is still determined
by the context of the original AndGate class.
So If I do:
AndGate.a=1; AndGate.b=1
AndGate.run #=> 1
a = AndGate.instance()
a.a=0; a.b=0
a.run #=> 1 (but should be 0; this is because the block is still evaluated
in the context of AndGate class, not the clone of AndGate)
So when the AndGate class is cloned, is there a way to unbind the proc in the
class' @__behavior class inst var and rebind it in the context of the new
cloned class? (kind of what can be done with methods and UnboundMethod)
[I realize there are probably other ways to do this where this wouldn't be an
issue (use a method instead of a proc, for example) but I'm trying to maintain
compatibility with the backend simulation guts of the current RHDL system.]