Jeremiah Bullfrog
#Problem line:
puts testFormula1.characterType[0] ....
test = Formula.new
test.string = "A&B"
Now, Ruby exits with the following complaint:
in `wff': undefined method `characterType' for #<Formula:0xbceb0>
I think the problem is, Ruby is not like C++ where one object
can always read / change the internals of another if they're
of the same class. It looks like Ruby's 'protected' might
produce that C++ behavior but I haven't used it. Pickaxe pg 236
makes it look like it only works with methods and constants,
ie you can't expose the raw variable itself. The easiest way to
make accessors is to make the variable an 'attr'; eg
class Formula
attr :characterType # add ', true' if you want it writable too
def initialize
@string = nil
@leftSub = nil
@rightSub = nil
@characterType = Array.new
# and I'm guessing something like this to give it C++ behavior
# (ie what you were trying to do):
protected characterType, characterType=
# 'char..Type=' , only if you've specified a writer function
# for char..Type